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Does Islam tell its followers to drink camel urine?

I read that the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) told men to drink camel piss

Hadees Sahi Bukhri B52 N261
Narrated by Anas-bin Malik

A group of eight men from the tribe of Ukil came to the prophet (PBUH) they found the climate of Madina unsuitable for them so they said “ Oh Allah’s apostle provide us with some milk Allah’s apostle said “I recommend that you should join the herd of camels", so they went and drank the piss and milk of camels as a medicine till they became healthy and fat

If this is true then this is just as bad as the Hindus drinking Cow piss

Could someone confirm this Hadees as correct

Unity Foundation Monthly Tafsir Classes | Shaykh Haroon Hanif | WEDNESDAY 28th September 2011 | 7.30pm| PRESTON, LANCASHIRE

Subject: Unity Foundation Monthly Tafsir Classes | Shaykh Haroon Hanif | WEDNESDAY 28th September 2011 | 7.30pm
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 01:28:29 +0100

Dear Brothers & Sisters.

As-salamu alaykum.

We pray this message reaches you in a state of well being.

Unity Foundation are pleased to invite you to our Tafsir Class

''Understanding the meaning of the Majestic Qur'an''

By attending you will gain a greater appreciation of how studying the language and context of Qur'anic chapters adds greater depth to your understanding of Allah's final revelation.

WEDNESDAY 28th September, 2011 - 7.30PM

(Brothers & Sisters welcome)

Singing bins

A new weapon has been developed in the war on Britain's litter - talking rubbish bins.

The specially designed bins will be dotted around central London and Liverpool from October.

As well as saying "thank you" when someone dumps in their rubbish, they can also sing opera and Abba, give a round of applause and sometimes even burp.

Keep Britain Tidy is running the campaign along with arts organisation Sing London.

Sing London's director, Colette Hiller, told Sky News: "Its ambition is to actually make people care about the place where they live and we want to do that by using fun as a way to bring the best out in people."

Interactive bins have already had success in parts of Europe

Six men have been charged with terror offences in Birmingham

Six men have been charged with terror offences in Birmingham

Six men have been charged with terror offences, including preparing for an act of terrorism in the UK.
Police arrested the men, all from Birmingham, a week ago as part of a major operation carried out by the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit.

Saudi women get the vote! Takbeer!

Women in Saudi Arabia are to be given the right to vote and run in future municipal elections, King Abdullah has announced.

He said they would also have the right to be appointed to the consultative Shura Council.

The move was welcomed by activists who have called for greater rights for women in the kingdom, which enforces a strict version of Sunni Islamic law.

The changes will occur after municipal polls on Thursday, the king said.

King Abdullah announced the move in a speech at the opening of the new term of the Shura Council - the formal body advising the king, whose members are all appointed.

Palestinians go to the UN.

Mahmood Abbas has applied for full membership of the UN.

He went to the UN where I was certain he would bottle it and just try and defend his own.. stature.

Maybe this will be the first day of many where the Palesinias finally regain dignity.

But there are hurdles.

First this may not go through the security council - the US has been applying on members of the security council to reject the proposal, and if they dont, the US has vowed to veto the proposal.

Even agreement, it means very little if nothing changes on the ground.

But in the face of no hope, this is a great step at showing a peaceful way to the state.

Waterloo road

Okay, so i was watching waterloo road on wednesday (free night... nothing to watch :() and they seem to have developed some "muslim" characters since i've last watched it.....

Anywayz... the "muslim" characters seem to be protrayed a little bit differently in my opinion... The boy Tariq, resembles a thug and the girl Trudi (who does admitally don a Hijab) seems to be a character who is a little bit "different"...

It just doesn't seem like a fair protrayal of muslim youth nowadays...

I just wanted to get that off my chest....

Learn Quran Before You Pass Any Kind Of Judgment

No matter what people say and believe, an unbiased study of history (let alone religion) reveals that Islam brought a revolution of its own kind that not only affected the people of a particular region, religion, or ethnicity, but it became a worldwide phenomenon soon just a few decades after its completion.

What Muslims believe is that Islam is the last religion offered by God Almighty to all humanity to come till The Day of Resurrection, believing in what God Almighty states in Holy Scripture of Muslims. For more details please visit the site below:
