Forum Topics

First Free Muslim School Gets Go -Ahead

First free school for Muslims gets the go-ahead amid fears over 'segregated schooling''Extremely bad news' say teaching unions
Half of all pupils will be admitted because of their faith

By Daily Mail Reporter

The first free school for Muslims in the country will open in Blackburn, Lancashire, next year.

The business case for Tauheedul Islam Boys' School in Darwen has been approved by the Government.

But opponents have described the decision as 'extremely bad news' for community cohesion and claim it will deprive state schools of vital funds.

"Believing in (eg masonic/illuminati) conspiracy theories is a form of doubting the power of God"


My argument is that they all focus on how helpless we Muslims are against the powers of evil that secretly rule the world etc. and how the financial system, the governments, the media are all under "their" control and how helpless we are so we must tell people about how evil the illuminati etc are.

Now, is this helplessness and conspiracy theorising not a way of questioning the power of God?

We believe in God, we believe He (swt) is all powerful, we believe he is the best of planners.

So why are all the conspiracy theorists focussing on how the evil organisations really run the world?

Young mother leaves newborn child outside hospital

A mother has abandoned her baby boy in an east London hospital a few hours after giving birth.

In a case described as "heartbreaking" by police, the boy, named Charlie by nurses, was left by the woman who police think gave a false name.

She told staff her name was Katalena Sctarra and she is believed to be aged 25 and from Birmingham.

The mother was last seen walking towards the car park at Newham General Hospital on Wednesday night.

She had gone into labour outside a shop in East Ham on Wednesday evening and a passer-by called an ambulance.

She was taken to hospital and gave birth minutes after arriving.

Just before midnight "Miss Sctarra" went outside the hospital to have a cigarette and then disappeared.


Female leaders

I can't remember if I've asked this before but can females be leaders?

The answer is probably no as women have not had a leadership position during the time of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) and all the Prophets (pbut) were male.

I heard that Benazir Bhutto was an illegitimate leader since women cannot lead men.


Could you pass the (old/abandoned) 11-plus?

Thirty-two years after most grammar schools were abolished the 11-plus exam which controlled entry to them still divides opinion among parents and teachers. But how difficult was it?

Click this link and try a 15 question version for yourself - click the start button and you get 10 minutes to answer 15 questions. (no cheating by working out the answers before hand!)

I tried it while skiving off at work and I got 10 out of 15 (but I didnt use the full 10 minutes).

Can you beat You?

Du'a - The weapon of the believer: (FINAL) PART 20

Salaam! Biggrin

Tis the final one ladies and gents! I knw..lets take a moment..ok moment gone!

(I didn't make a seperate blog for the conclusion even though long, cos 20's such a nice round nr, dont ya think? Biggrin Anyhoo! Don't feel obliged to read it all in one go or be put of from reading it all together! That would be a shame since its a nice read and you've come this far, might as well finish it!)

September 19th: Chapter 16 - Innovations of Du'a

1. Habitually Reading Specified Du'as which are not Found in the Sunnah

Du'a - The weapon of the believer: PART 19

Salaam! Biggrin

(yh, I knw what ur thinking..bout time! Good things are worth waiting for they say right? Blum 3 )

September 15th: Chapter 14 - Du'a and its Relationship with Destiny

The topic of du'a and its relationship with destiny (qadr) is a very important one, and around which much confusion exists. Many people ask "If everything has already been destined to occur, then of what use is du'a, if Allah has written what I want, I will get it without making du'a, and if it is not written for me, then I will never get it no matter how much du'a I make?"

The response to this question lies in understanding that the outcome of anything is dependent on the performance of the efforts that are necessary to procure it.

Immigrants have children for benefits, says Asian peer

The UK's first female Asian peer has used a debate in the Lords to criticise Pakistani and Bangladeshi families for having too many children.

Baroness Flather suggested people in some minority communities had a large number of children in order to be able to claim more benefits.

The peer, born in Lahore before the partition of India, said the issue did not apply to families of Indian origin.

The cross-bencher said benefit cuts could help to discourage extra births.

Baroness Flather, speaking during a debate on the government's welfare changes, said: "The minority communities in this country, particularly the Pakistanis and the Bangladeshis have a very large number of children and the attraction is the large number of benefits that follow the child.

Event: The Da'wah Conference, Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat, 25/09/11 London E17 9PX

Event: The Da'wah Conference, Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat, 25/09/11 London E17 9PX
Assalaamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh


At-Taqwa Academy Presents


In the honourable Presence of

Lecturer Of Bukhari Shareef | Founder Of Islamic Da'wah Academy, Leicester | Spiritual Reformer Of The Youth In The UK | Reviver Of The Methodology Of The Pious Predecessors

Programme Includes Talks by Various Ulama, Qur'an Recitation & Nasheeds

Date: Sunday 25th September 2011

Time: 1:10 Zuhr

Programme Starts: 1:30 pm

Venue: The Pavilion, 324 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, London, E17 9PX
