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Lessons from the life of Moosa (AS) |Shaykh Mumtaz Ul Haq | Manor Park | 24/09/2011 @ 7pm

Assalaamualaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh


EVENT: Patience, Perserverance, Persistence - Lessons from the life of Moosa (AS)

SPEAKER: Shaykh Mumtaz ul Haq (Imam, Streatham Mosque, London)

DATE AND TIME: Saturday 24th September 2011 7pm after Maghrib

VENUE: Shahjalal Mosque 722-726 Romford Road, Manor Park, London E12 6BT

Free Admission

Brothers Entrance: Romford Road
Sisters Entrance: Third Avenue

Listen on Azaan receiver channel 2 or frequency 454.40625 MHz

For More Info:

The Importance Of Fasting Six Days in Shawal After Ramadan

After the end of the month of Ramadan, the month of Shawal begins. Shawal in Arabic means uplift or breakage. This meaning has historical importance as before the spread of Islam, Arabs were of the view that weddings that take place during the month of Shawal result in unsuccessful marriages.For more details please visit the site below:

Du'a - The weapon of the believer: PART 18

Salaam! Biggrin

September 10th: Chapter 12 - Permissible Acts of Du'a

(Today is a very special day cos..I became the proud aunty of another baby boooy! Biggrin )

There are certain acts that people might presume are prohibited, but are in fact allowed. Some of these are listed below.

1. To Pray for a Person without Praying for One's Self

This is permissible since the prophet(saw) prayed for a number of Companions without making du'a for himself

2. To Wish for Death in Severe Circumstances

Du'a - The weapon of the believer : PART 17

Salaams! Biggrin

September 9th: Chapter 11 - The Wisdom Behind A Delayed Response

11. The Du'a Might Actually Have Been Responded To

The hadith where the prophet(saw) guaranteed that a person's du'a will be accepted has already been mentioned. However, the 'acceptance' might be in a manner that is not apparent.

It is possible that Allah will give him the reward of his du'a on the Day of Judgement, and this reward will be more beloved to him on that Day than the response of his du'a in this life.

It is also possible that Allah blesses him with something else that he did not ask for, as a result of his du'a. Lastly it is possible that Allah averts an evil that was predestined for him because of his du'a.

12. The Du'a Might be Weak

9/11- Conspiracy Road Trip

9/11- Conspiracy Road Trip


This September marks the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, one of the biggest terrorist atrocities of the 21st Century. Nineteen hijackers, all members of Al Qaeda, crashed four planes on American soil, leading to the deaths of 2,973 innocent people.

This horrific event has generated a multitude of conspiracy theories that contradict the official findings of the US government's investigation into the events of that day.

Explaining Irresponsible behaviour

How does Islam explain irresponsible behaviour? when we do things that we know are wrong but keep doing them anyway? How does our creator explains this flaw of ours? nafs?

feel free to post any link to article, talks etc...

Im not really looking for man-guessed psychological theories to explain irresponsible behaviour but feel free to post that as well, we can compare..or something.

please guys! dont ignore...
