Forum Topics

After Life

Which of the major monotheistic religions focusses most on the afterlife (akhira) and which is concerned with this life (dunya)?
All opinions welcomed.
Except being rude about other beliefs.

(as 2007 revival personality of the year i withold the right to ban you.)

Chaand Raat Sisters Event :: Oldham : Sun 28 August '11

Assalam alaikum,

Please see below for details of a Sisters Chaand Raat Event.

For further information, contact details are listed below.


Chaand Raat Sisters Event

| Mendhi | Hair & Beauty | Raffle Prizes | Islamic Gifts | Food Stalls | Ready made Suits | Jewellery | Hijabs & Jilbabs | Childrens Entertainment |

Please note: This a Women & Children (girls all ages/boys under 12) ONLY Event

On Sunday 28th August 2011, from 6pm-till Late
At The Pakistani Community Centre, Marlborough Street, Glodwick, Oldham, OL4 1EG

For more information & stall booking contact Sister. Shamaila on 07738535855

All money raised will go towards the Madina Mosque and Islamic Centre in Oldham

Itikaf, The Night Of Qadar And The Last Ten Days Of Ramadan

The Holy month of Ramadan is full of blessings and rewards for all Muslims. But, a special emphasis is placed on the last ten days of this month because of several reasons. The last ten days of the Holy month are prestigious as reflected from the recommendations and actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) during these days.During these days, the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions would perform three essential tasks or practices.

For more details than visit the below link:

Du'a - The weapon of the believer: PART 10

Salaam! Biggrin

Good news! Eid has officially come early! Biggrin Bad aint no Xmas Blum 3 lol! Relax, I kid, I kid lol.
ok serious! *clears throat*

August 23rd - Chapter 7: The Recommended Times for Du'a

Of the great mercy of Allah is that He has favoured certain times over others and has distinguised them so that the worshipper can eagerly anticipate their arrival so he can pray earnestly and sincerely. Had all the times been the same, the worshipper would not have had the same enthusiasm that exists during the more blessed times.

1. Du'a in the Last Third of the Night

the last ten days of Ramadan

The Last Ten Days of Ramadaan

Author: 'Abdullaah Ibn Saalih Al-Fawzaan

Source: Ahaadeeth As-Siyaam (pg. 133-135) (trans. Masjid Ahl ul-Quran was-Sunnah Association, NY, USA)

Article ID : IBD090010 [7397]

‘Aa'ishah radiyAllahu anha said:“When the last ten days (of Ramadaan) would come, the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) would spend his night in worship, wake his family (at night), exert himself and tighten his Izaar (waistcloth).”


This hadeeth is proof that the last ten days of Ramadaan have a special virtue over any other (set of days), in which one should increase in obedience and acts of worship, such as prayer, making dhikr (remembrance) and reciting the Qur'aan.

Mehfil-E-Qira'at with Qari Yassir Abdul Basit :: Oldham :: Sun 28 Aug '11

Mehfil-E-Qira'at with Qari Yassir Abdul Basit Al-Samad

Beautiful recitation of the Holy Quran by the son of the late, world renowned Qari Abdul Basit Al-Samad

On Sunday 28th August 2011, after Taraweeh Prayer
At Nagina Jamia Masjid, 74 Werneth Hall Road, Oldham, OL8 4BB

Separate facilities for sisters.

Follow us on twitter for timely updates: @tsmyonline

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Du'a - The weapon of the believer: PART 8

Salaam Biggrin

August 22nd - Chapter 6: Discouraged Acts during Du'a continued

8. To Curse Someone

The prophet(saw) said: "The muslim is not (given to) harming others, or cursing them, or being vulgar, or obscene."

Once, the Companions were whipping an individual that had been caught drinking wine. Umar(ra) in his anger, cursed the man. Hearing this, the prophet(saw) said: "Don't say that! Don't help Shaytan against him!"

Even while inflicting this punishment, it is not allowed to curse or harm him in any other manner. If this is the case with a drunkard, then how much more so for a muslim that has committed a much smaller sin or no crime at all!
