Forum Topics

Fantasy Premier League 2011/2012

Dear Lads/Lasses


Salaamz, As the new Premier League season is on the horizon I have made my Fantasy Premier League team on the offical Premier League website IF anyone has a team and are interested in joining my league PLEASE login or sign up and join my league by typing in the league code 747665-188992 Please also let your fellowz know about this to

Is the clash between Islam and the West inevitable?

Do recent controversies such as the row over a proposed Islamic centre near Ground Zero, the burka ban in France and the eviction of American missionaries from Morocco indicate that Islam and the West are caught in an inevitable clash of civilizations?

Special Question time tonight

Tonight BBC 1 will be showing a special Question time at 10:35 PM in regards to the recent riots and lootings that have taken place

I would not want to be any of them on the panel tonight

I bet sir Paul Stephenson is dancing up and down about his resignation other wise had he been in charge he might have been called on the panel as a guest

Wake Up Call - 'Sufferers Need You'

Read this in an Ummah Welfare Trust magazine. Wanted you to pray for all the brothers and sisters who face suffering in any form. May Allah accept the efforts of all those who donate and help those suffering and may He give us greater ability in the future to earn His pleasure.

'During the rising tides, we were unable to carry our parents onto the roof of the masjid because there were no steps. We tied them to the pillar of the masjid hoping they wouldn't get washed away. We ourselves climbed over the wall and onto the rooftop. When the masjid came under water, we could hear the screams and wails of our parents from beneath, but we could only listen. We could do nothing. We were rescued by a boat but our parents were left behind to drown under the water'.

Ayatollah may convert Prince William

Some members of the British Royal Family may convert to Islam.

British Military expert who converted to Islam is now teaching Prince William.

It is feared that "The RAF Ayatollah" may be able to influence the future King of England and convince him to become a Muslim.

America is worried.

Here is the explosive article in the top U.S. Magazine the AMERICAN THINKER.

The Ayatollah in the RAF

Academic university head is Muslim convert.

7 August 2011

Dr Joel Hayward, the head of the Royal Air Force pilot training college is a convert to Islam.

Prince William is being given flying lessons by Dr Hayward.

Du'a - The weapon of the believer: PART 3

Salaam again! Biggrin

August 8th - Chapter 5: The Etiquette of Du'a

There are a number of manners and etiquette procedures that accompany the performances of du'a. The difference between this part and the previous one ( part 2) is that such etiquette occurs while a person is making du'a, whereas the acts mentioned previously must occur before a person makes du'a.

1. Praising Allah Before the Du'a and Praying upon the prophet(saw)

The person who is making the du'a is asking for forgiveness, mercy and sustenance from his Creator, so it behoves that the worshipper to start his du'a with the praise and glorification of Allah.

Effective Dua's For the Month of Ramadan

The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan, is the most auspicious and blessed of all months. It is during this month that Muslims fast and worship Allah and increase their prayers. It is believed that during the month of Ramadan, Allah listens to all legitimate prayers and blesses Muslims with greater rewards for asking Him for help and support.For more details please visit the site below:
