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the history of islam

i find myself reading the most uplifting and beautiful prophecies of the greatest men that have walked earth. The chosen messengers of allah (swt) from prophet adam alayhi wasalamm to the last messenger and prophet of allah (swt) Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) peace be upon him. It is so incredibly fascinating to learn such phenonmenal stories that have been passed on from generations to generations in its orignal form. Some of the stories i knew of breifly which had remained with me since childhood.


​Apparently there's a new law as of two weeks ago that you have to be 21 years of age or older to go to Saudi Arabia for Umrah.

My brother was just refused his Visa because of this and he can't go Umrah.

Does anyone know more about this law or know about it all?

Sounds like b******t to me.

Hiya (:

Assalamu alaykum Smile
okay so i'm new to this site; but ive been checking it out and alhamdulillah it seems pretty cool!

its nice knowing other peoples views about particular topics and being able to portray your own view so hopefully i'll be sticking around for quite a while insha'allah Smile

100-parsec elliptical and twisted ring of cold and dense molecular clouds revealed by Herschel around the Galactic Center

^ That's what the research paper is called. Turns out that when we aim our biggest telescopes at the middle of the Milky Way, for our sins, we see a twisted infinity sign, or Moebius Strip.

(Source: Wired via LGF)


Ramadhan 1432/2011 - Prepare Yourself...@ Shahjalal Msq E12 Thurs 21st to Sat 30th

[B]Assalaamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh[/B]


Ramadhan 1432/2011- Prepare Yourself...[/B]

Ramadan - The Month of Qur'an
Shaykh Mumtaz ul Haq
(Imam, Streatham Mosque, London)

Taraweeh: It's Significance and Units
Ustaadh Fadhl ul Islam Khan
(Graduate, Madrassah Arabiah Islamiah, Azaadville-Johannesburg)

The Fiqh of Ramadan
Mufti Khalid ul Haq
(Imam, Shahjalal Mosque)


[B]Shahjalal Mosque, 722-726 Romford Road, Manor Park, London E12 6BT[/B]

[B]Free Admission | All Are Welcome

Hajj is too expensive

Hajj is becoming more and more expensive each year and I just thought it's cuz of inflation. But I've across a view that it might be cuz Saudi wants to commercialise the cities and use the money to just improve the place. Also that it will soon become a monopoly for the richest!

That's a scary thought! How true do you think it is?

I don't really buy it cuz it means people won't be able to perform their duty as a Muslim (would Allah allow that?) also if less people go then the Saudis will stop getting money.
