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Peace for Humanity conference Wembley Arena

Topic: Peace for Humanity | Muhammad (peace & blessings be upon him) the Merciful

Location: Wembley Arena, London

Date: 24 September 2011

Main speech

by Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri.
Other speakers & nasheed (To Be Confirmed).

"Religious people make crappy humans"

Just a question and you will see it around quite often, probably far more than what should be the case.

You will get religious people who may dress the part, talk the part and pray the part.

But they are crappy humans who seem to ignore all aspects of islam outside of worship and will trespass on others rights and see nown wrong with it.

An example can be found here.

Why is this the case? Dont people understand that Islam is more than about banging your head against the floor the allotted number of times?

HIJAB - Freedom or Opression

HIJAB - Freedom or Oppression

In France, they have banned the burqa, but in a democracy, where everyone has equality, is it right for France to take away the freedom of a Muslim woman. If all women have the right to wear what they want to then why shouldn’t Muslim women?

Centuries ago, most women would be expected to have modesty, worldwide. Although as time goes shamelessness is increasing. Islam is a religion where there is an attempt to maintain the modesty. Today, many Muslim women refuse to wear the hijab as they don’t want to come across as oppressed or unfashionable.

There are many reasons why it is obligatory for a Muslim woman to wear a hijab:
• Modesty –Hijab comes from the Arabic word ‘hajaba’, which means to hide or to conceal

Islamic Point of View Regarding Shab-e-Barat

In the Islamic culture, Shab-e-Barat has great importance and is celebrated with enthusiasm by Muslims all around the globe. For Muslims, this night has great importance regarding worship as well. Muslims would spend the entire night praying and worshiping, asking and requesting Allah for things that they desire. However, before delving into the customs followed during Shab-e-Barat, it is best to first understand the concept of this day.For more details please visit the site below:

Oh Allah I was too busy...

Assalaamu Alaikum!

...don't let this be YOUR response.

On the day when Allah swt will say "Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose) and that you would not be brought back to Us?" [23:115]

On that day what will YOU remember?

What is keeping you BUSY from accepting invitations to get closer to Allah...

reading this email... considering booking "later"... ultimately missing YOUR chance....

STOP NOW and take 5 minutes to book YOUR place.

Taught by some of the leading scholars of our time and on your doorstep.

Live with no regrets insha'Allah...BOOK NOW
- The
Meaning of Life: The true meaning of SUCCESS. Reminders to reawaken
your soul. (London and Leeds)


falling in love is it haram or halal

there is a person who sends me msgs he knows me very wel n i have started loving his voice i dont know him but he says he wil soon tel me who he is
i think i am loving that person as i always think of him we talk on msgs n sumtyms he cals me
is it right or haram

The Significance Of The Month Of Rajab

The entire world is the creation of Allah, however, some places are considered more sacred and divine than others. For instance, prayers offered at Mecca and Madina carry more value and significance than those offered at an ordinary place. This is because some places are more close and sacred because of their origins or their history.For more details please visit the site below:

Change yourselves

why is a group of people who claim to be destined for an abode of eternal sucess are miserably unsuccessful in this transient life?
we are regarded by the rest of humanity. as the most self-righteous, self-conceited, whinging group of people on the face of the earth because we always blame others for the decadence we find outselves in. The reality is we need to have a proactive approach, we need to energies back into society, we need to change ourselves, because if we can't change ourselves, there's no way we can revolutionise the dunya. If you can't get up for fajr, don't talk about revolutionising the world!

stareventsteam Muslim Marriage Events - Sunday 16th October 2011

Asalaamu Alaikum,

This event is an open event which is geared towards professional muslims in the UK and we believe this is a fantastic opportunity for you to meet like minded individuals on a face-to-face basis.

What you can expect from the event:
* Meet up to 80 single Muslims (50:50 male to female ratio)
* Face-to-face introductions
* 3-course buffet lunch
* One to one sessions
* Imam on hand to answer any marriage related questions
* Salah facilities available
* A safe, halal environment
* Comfortable private venue
* Post event match making service

Please visit the website: for more information or to book a ticket. Alternatively you can call Alisha on her mobile: 07737309349

Would you leave out some stuff?

If you met a person that did not know ANYTHING about modern society.

would you NOT tell/introduce/show them particular things from our modern society?

if yes, what? and why?
do you think it's fair?
what if they were under your supervision? aka. you had some authority on them, would that change the way you see things.
what about a child?

pick a scenario (random person, person you're in charge of or kid) and tell us what you think.
