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New improved salaah time tables?

It has come to my attention that some mosques and scholars have bandied together to investigate the current prayer times in the UK and decided that the current ones are wrong.

They have used their "new research" and come out with new salaah time tables.

The timetables have fajr time starting at 1am for this time of year. Which sounds odd to me (almost 4 hours of fajr time?).

Apart from releasing the new time tables which some mosques have adopted there does not seem to be any literature out there of the methodology they have used and how they got to the calculations they did.

Anyone know more?

The Status of Women

Imagine a person who manufactured two models of a certain item. Model 'A' has much more features than model 'B'. The reasons for him doing so are obviously known best by him. Being the inventor, he will specify the exact usage and benefits of model 'A' and model 'B'.

Likewise, Allah Ta'ala created man and woman, both in different capacities. He sent a kitab explaining the different roles and functions of each one. The reason for doing so is known best by Allah, The Supreme, Perfect and Most wise, and none has the authority to question His decision.


Islamic TV Channels

When television was introduced in the middle of the 20th century, it caused unprecedented upheavals in the society, changing moral norms and corrupting social structures. After watching the destruction caused by the glamorous new toy in their societies for decades, and the apparently unstoppable momentum with which it surged forth, many concerned Muslims decided to do something about it; in increasing numbers they wanted to use it to promote Islamic teachings. This decision was based on the assumption that television is just a tool that can be used equally in the service of good or evil.

Hanafi Salafism: An Oxymoron? by Shiekh Haitham Al-Haddad

The Islamic Schools of Jurisprudence (madhabs) were formed over a thousand years ago at a time when shari’ah (Islamic law) was practised and Islamic legal theory flourished. It was during this period that jurisprudence took shape as an Islamic science, flourishing as discussion and debate on controversial juristic issues became widespread.

Greetings,Comrades of Faith! :D

I proclaim peace! Peace which we stand for (:

A new fortress i find myself in, a fortress InshaAllah which will bring forth light to eliminate the forces of evil Biggrin (Me is so excited!)

So many young blood to meet,like myself Biggrin fresh, fresh like volvic spring water! reviving this dead earth... Wink

Aasifa (apologies) for a weirded out introduction.

Please explain this extremely sexist sounding Hadith.

So, My very anti theist, especially anti Islamic friend emailed me this hadith and asked what I 'thought' of it and how I reconciled it with modern thought cos it seems impossible, and I can't so can someone else.

Or tell me it's not authentic or something.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301: Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:

Preparing for Ramadhan 2011

There's about 35 days left till Ramadhan so I think it's time to get reflective Biggrin

I like to use Ramadhan as a chance to 'revitalise' my spiritual side and just improve myself but I need to know what and how I am going to improve, so time to start thinking now.

I think I should have aims/targets and make some sort of plan for it.

E.g the minimum amount of Qur'an I'm going to read, what kind of stuff I need/want to brush my knowledge on etc.

So yeah.
