Forum Topics

Ben Nevis Trek 2011- Great Cause.....Great Challenge

Muslim Aid have organised an adventurous trek to the top of the highest mountain in Britain and we’re challenging YOU to climb it in our Ben Nevis Trek 2011.

Your challenge is to raise £300 and join a group of enthusiastic and compassionate people dedicated to combating drought in Africa. Muslim Aid’s water projects in Africa have been bringing a lifeline to communities for over 25 years and now you can be a part of this amazing cause.

Trek details

Departure:Friday 20th May 2011

Trek day: Saturday 21st May 2011

Return: Sunday 22nd May 2011

Your target: £300

Location:Glen Nevis, Scotland

Golden Ticket:The top fundraiser will get to travel to one of our Africa field offices to visit one of our projects.

Jack the Ripper aka Muslimeen aka zdc

Yes this is the reality. I guess many of you probably think I am some kind of a wacko, maybe I am, but hey try living a day in my life. Not much fun I assure you.

Anyway I just wanna say sorry for all the problems I caused on the forum. It was wrong, I admit. I must say I have come to love Revvy, though the spammers are making me go GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Usamah Bin Laden: Freedom Fighter or Terrorist?

Death of Usamah Bin Laden: Freedom Fighter or Terrorist?

The reaction says it all, there is celebration in the streets of New York, whilst silence in the streets of the Islamic world; freedom fighter or terrorist depends on whose perspective. There is no doubt many in the Islamic world and the non-Islamic world (e.g. Latin America), are privately mourning the death of Usamah Bin Laden, seen as a symbol of resistance to Western imperialism. Unlike Saddam Hussein and his ilk, Usamah Bin Laden died fighting like a Mujahid, as the old proverb says, he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.



So all blame seems to be put on Pakistan after the killing of Ladin.

If we accept Bin Ladin is dead and its no conspiracy then we have to ask the following questions:

How can Ladin live in pakistan for 5 or so years without being noticed?

Was Pakistan army/secret service protecting him? If so , why?

Will Paksitan be used as the scapegoat?

Will Pakistan now be referred to as a safe-haven for terrorists?

How will all this affect Pakistan?

Shopuld Pakistan cut all ties with the U.S?


Zina of the Eyes

It is amazing how we abuse our sight on a daily basis and don't even seem to realise it.

It is one of those sins that is so easy to commit that absolutely not effort is required especially in a non muslim country, not that it is difficult in a muslim country. Everywhere you look there is nudity, we have become so accustomed to it that it's just a part of life. You don't have to be young either, you can be in you 80's with one leg in the grave and the other on a banana peel but still you can commit this sin just as easily as an 18 year old.

May Allah Swt firstly open my eyes to this reality and grant me the taufiq to refrain from this evil as well as every believing muslim. Ameen.

'Al Qaeda Bomber Worked For UK Intelligence'

I forgot to post this on the forums when it arose like a week or two ago, but its still recent enough and a topic that is bound to excite conspiracy theorists and deniers that say that the suicide bombings in Pakistan and elsewhere are actually a western led conspiracy:

An al Qaeda "assassin" accused of bombing Christian churches and a luxury hotel in Pakistan was working for British intelligence at the same time, according to leaked files.

Sky News
