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In the footsteps of the noble generations

When : 28th - 29th May 2011
Where : Eastlea Community School ,London

Saturday 28th of May

11.00am 11.15am
Introduction/Welcome to our Conference

11.15am 12.15pm
Who are the Pious Predecessors (The Salaf) And Why We Should Follow Their Path - Abu Khadeejah

12.15pm 1pm
A Motivation, on how the Salaf acquired knowledge - Kashiff Khan (USA)

1pm 1.45pm (Dhuhr/BREAK)

1.45pm 2.30pm
So relate the stories, perhaps they may reflect - Abu Hakeem

2.30pm 3.15pm
An Example of how the Early Muslims lived - Kashiff Khan (USA)

3.30pm 4.30pm
Live Tele-Link

4.30pm 5.15pm
Sticking to the truth in times of Hardship - Hasan as-Somaalee

5.15 6pm

6pm 7pm
Live Tele-Link

7pm 8pm

Make the World Peaceful After Osama's Death

World has been facing terrorism in its worst forms whether it’s World Trade Centre or killing innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Death of Osama Bin Laden who was thought to be the face of global terrorism is either a hope of peace or an ignition to a new wave of terrorism. Would the world become a peaceful heaven after him or more threats of furious terrorist attacks are there? Past is always lost, but lessons learned from past guide for a better future. This is the need of the hour.For more details please visit the site below:

Extremistic Idiots.

Gary Smith, 38, was beaten as he walked to Central Foundation Girls' School in Bow, east London, last July.

The gang left him unconscious after attacking him with a metal rod and a brick, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard.

Read whole story here

This teacher is a GREAt teacher and these guys are NOOBS. of the lowest degree.

they dont even have coherent reasons for what they've done.

and how is that a fair fight?!
how dare them try and kill him?
a brick and a metal rod?! dont they have lives?!
and how dare them say " he shouldnt teach Islam he's not Muslim" dude, if YA are out there beating up people, who is at school teaching Islam? :roll:


Ratko Mladic arrested in Serbia

Fugitive Bosnian Serb war crimes suspect Ratko Mladic has been arrested in Serbia after 16 years on the run.

Gen Mladic, 69, was found in a village in northern Serbia where had been living under an assumed name.

He faces charges over the massacre of at least 7,500 Bosnian Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica in 1995.

BBC News

2012 is turning into a remarkable year.

Do we need scholars?

Something I read from another forum:

Another flaw of Islam. You seem to need a couple of PhDs from an Islamic university in Saudi Arabia and the title of 'scholar' to make any informed decision on anything. Otherwise, continue to follow the crowd and be a sheep and follow everything some sheikh thousands of miles away with no grip on reality says.

It's especially ironic from a religion that claims to be for all mankind. LOL. You mean, it's only for the educated scholars who have the 'authority' to interpret stuff. Everyone else should keep their mouths shut and obey sheikh.

Recipes please!

Cooking is a vital life skill that I do not possess (like many others, I won't lie Blum 3 )

This summer I intend to learn to cook although that might be hard with ramadhan (like you cant taste stuff and make sure it's 'right') but I have to start!

Can you please give me any personal favourites/easy/other reasoned recommendations?

Starters, Mains, desserts anything!

Edit - Nothing too bland though :/

Eating Habits!

Assalamualaykum Dudes and Dudettes!

So, the other day my friend was eating crisps. WITH HER LEFT HAND!!! Its been drilled into me,(curtesy of my parents)ever since day one to eat with me right hand. So naturally when seeing my muslim friend eating with her left i reacted in a way that is expected of me
(haha-tugged the crisp out of her hand and screamed excessively... :D)
