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Youth Tarbiyyah Conference: O' Muslims! Be Muslims!


Youth Tarbiyyah Conference
O' Muslims! Be Muslims!

Date: Saturday 18th June 2011 Time: 1pm-9.30pm
Venue: Azhar Academy, 235a Romford Rd, London E7 9HL


Special Guest: Hadhrat Maulana Adam Sahib (Jame'ah Leicester)
O' Muslims! Be Muslims!

Shaykh Abdur Raheem Limbada (Darul Uloom Bury)
Qur’an: The Path to Perfection

Shaykh Ahmad Ali (Al Mahad Al Islam)
Intoxicants: The ‘High’ Life

Shaykh Rafiq Sufi (Darul Uloom Blackburn)
Sunnah: The Way to Live Your Life

Shaykh Hasan Ali (Safar Academy)
Entertaining Ourselves to Death

Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf (Zam Zam Academy)
Bringing Barakah to Our Lives

Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari (Darul Iftaa)
Practical Solutions to Lustful Advances

[Turkey] Election Time

It's election time. Probably the most important elections of your life and you're not invited.

Turkey goes to the polls on Sunday 12 June 2010 and if the governing party gets a big enough mandate, they could be unleashed to provide the country with a new constitution that helps the country jump a good distance.

Or the power could get into the heads of the government and they may become authoritarian and/or a part of the problem (that is always a risk).

This will shape the future of Turkey and also have repercussions on the wider region.

Time to keep watching what happens.

Egyptian Gladiator to fight lion

well, only if he gets permission.

Given the current state of the economy, it comes as no surprise that many Egyptians are doing all that they can to revive international interest in their country. What is surprising, though, is that one man has somehow managed to convince himself - and a few others - that he can single-handedly “boost tourism in Egypt” by fighting a full-grown African lion in direct hand-to-paw combat, in front of the Pyramids at Giza.

Al-Masry: Why do you think it’s been so difficult to get official approval from the government?

"Sports Hijab" not just for Muslim women

The next sporty must-have is not just for Muslim women

The ResportOn, a tight-fitting hoodie covering the hair, is the new sports hijab – but it's attracting orders from non-Muslim women and men

Move over, Nigella's burkini – you are so last season. The latest addition to the modest Muslim wardrobe is the ResportOn, a sleek sports hijab designed for female Muslim athletes who like to keep their hair covered while working up a sweat.

The ResportOn, whose tagline is "Be Yourself. Unveil your performance", is the brainchild of Iranian-born French-Canadian designer Elham Seyed Javad.

The Burning of Quran – A Modern Act of Barbarism

The burning of religious books has been documented in history many times before. Such heinous acts are a proof of the hatred of people towards a certain concept or teaching. However, contrary to the popular belief, the burning of religious books in not only limited to Quran. Many other religions have been a victim of such atrocious activities to subdue the person or religion behind a teaching or concept.For more details please visit the site below:

Yemen Falls?

Is this the end of the regime in Yemen?

The President who refused to release his grip on power - who has been in his position for 33 years - was injured in a rocket attack on Friday and has now left for Saudi Arabia "for treatment".

Saudi has been backing this president for a very long time, but since the president is now outside the country, his grip on his supporters will naturally loosen.

So is this the end of president Saleh's reign?

The people think so and are rejoicing.

Reports say that Saleh took 35 members of his family and a few other supporters with him.

Australia to deport lone children in refugee plan

Australia came under fire from the U.N. children's aid agency and human rights advocates Friday over its plan to send unaccompanied child asylum seekers to Malaysia under a refugee swap deal being negotiated with the Southeast Asian nation.

Australia wants to deter asylum seekers from traveling to the continent by boat by sending hundreds of new arrivals to Malaysia. The Malaysian government has reached an in-principle agreement to take 800 off Australian hands in return for Australia resettling 4,000 registered refugees from among more than 90,000 languishing in Malaysia.
Australian Immigration Minister Chris Bowen confirmed that the 800 will include vulnerable children who make the perilous boat journey to Australia without parents or adult guardians.

Police who battered Babar Ahmed found "Not Guilty"

A jury at Southwark Crown Court has found four Metropolitan police officers not guilty of assaulting a terrorism suspect. But it has taken almost eight years for the story to be fully told in the British courts.

BBC News

Channel 4 news piece from a month ago:

Police who battered Babar Ahmed found "Not Guilty"

A jury at Southwark Crown Court has found four Metropolitan police officers not guilty of assaulting a terrorism suspect. But it has taken almost eight years for the story to be fully told in the British courts.

BBC News

Channel 4 news piece from a month ago:
