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Beautiful and Pretty Mosques of the World

Islam has been around for centuries now and Muslims had the opportunity to rule the world with the Islamic way of life. It was during this period that Muslims spread the Quran education all over the world. For some years, Muslims were the torch bearers of literature, science and architect. It is during this rule that you can observe the greatest creations and achievements of Muslims.For more details please visit the site below:

UK Muslim Comedy Tour 2011 - Starring Humza from Diary of a Badman, Prince Abdi, Nabil Abdulrashid, and Jeff Mirza

UK Muslim Comedy Tour 2011 Tickets Now on Sale
Starring Humza from Diary of a Badman, Prince Abdi, Nabil Abdulrashid, and Jeff Mirza.
Tickets are Selling Fast so get yours now at

Peace Youth and Community Trust (PYCT) is a charitable organisation set up to help raise funds for local and national charities working with young people.

Upcoming Events

PYCT organising the UK Muslim Comedy Tour 2011 This Summer to help raise funds for projects that work with young people.

This tour promises to be the biggest and most entertaining UK Comedy Tour Ever with top performances from:

* Humza from Diary of a Badman
* Prince Abdi
* Nabil Abdulrashid
* Jeff Mirza
* MJ
* Nazim Ali

Tour Dates

The Uniqueness and Importance of Isnaad

The Uniqueness and Importance of Isnaad
Shaykh Mohammed Daniel

Verily Allaah, all praises and thanks are due to him alone, has blessed this Ummah with the honour of Isnaad. It is that continuous and unbroken chain that serves to preserve and protect this Ummah (nation) from any falsities. It is a unique and salient feature of this Ummah and no other nation has ever in the past been bestowed with it. Al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi (RA) in his book ‘Sharaf Ashaab al-Hadith’ (The honour of the people of Hadith) narrates from Mohammed ibn Hatim ibn Muzafar (RA) that he said:

Palestinians to play first World Cup qualifier at home

Palestinians to play first World Cup qualifier at home

The Palestinian national football team are due to play its first World Cup qualifier on home soil.

The team are playing against Afghanistan in the second leg of a qualifying match for the Brazil World Cup in 2014.

Thousands are expected to pack the al-Ram stadium in Ramallah to witness a piece of Palestinian football history.

In the past, the team has had to play its home games in Jordan because of security concerns in the West Bank.

g>First leg victory

Palestinians do not have a state but they do have a football team.

They won the first leg 2-0 so barring a collapse should advance to the next stage.

Google Plus Vs Facebook

Google have this past week instroduced Google Plus - its like facebook but not facebook.

It also apparently gets many things "right" that facebook doesn't.

Currently Google Plus is in beta and you need to request an invite from the link above to join, but once any bugs have been ironed out, it will be open to everyone.

I currently dont use either, but it will be interesting where they both end up.

Prediction: Facebook will lose.

Al-Azhar's Grand Imam declares support for a constitutional, democratic state

In a document that read more as a short constitutional declaration, Al-Azhar defends universal human rights and rejects 'the theocratic state' as un-Islamic and autocratic by nature

In a statement titled “Al-Azhar Document” and read on national television, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed El-Tayeb, the country’s highest religious authority, outlined his institution’s vision on key political, social and economic issues that have been subject to raging debates across the country for months.

USA Harrasses Muslim Women

America is now breaking its own morals and rules.

Fall of the Satanic Empire is near.

Muslim woman sues US firm over hijab

Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:0AM

A Californian Muslim woman has sued American retailer Abercrombie & Fitch for firing her for refusing to remove her religious headscarf while at work.

Hani Khan, a former stockroom worker in California took federal court action against the clothing retailer for illegally firing her after she insisted on wearing her hijab, the Associated Press reported.

Mosque & Politics

I have some questions and could use your honest insights. Many mosques have been implicated in recent years in the dissemination of extremist political ideologies. Some like the EDL rest their case against all Islam on the claim that among Muslims extreme politics are endemic. I point out extremist ideologies are endemic among football hooligans and that going to mosque is not a political statement, but that doesn't actually confront what might be a moot point. How much is politics a totem of your mosque? Is it common to hear sermons about politics in mosques in the UK? What is the dominant gist and what space is there for disagreement?

I thank you.


hi Guys

does anyone know of any up and coming talented artists?
I'm doing a feature about Art and artists from a Muslim background
Not necessarily ISLAMIC art per se, but all kinds, but predominantly, I want artists from a Muslim background - they don't have to be practicing as such but of that background.

