Maslehatan bola janay wala jhoot
Does any body let me clear about the status of "Maslehatan Bola janay Wala Jhoot" in Islam?is it different from the Jhoot?
Does any body let me clear about the status of "Maslehatan Bola janay Wala Jhoot" in Islam?is it different from the Jhoot?
"Cha Sha" after Salah
At TSMY Library
Every night after Taraweeh prayers
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I just want to find out whether Music is allowed in Islam. Whether that be Instrumental or with lyrics.
Things is, many people agree with instrumental music as it has no meaning behind it- however, I thought that musical instruments are haraam in Islam?
Furthermore, if Music was haraam- then how come it is so renowned worldwide by Nasheed artists..ext.
Personally, I do listen to music- but I am always having second thoughts as to whether it is right or not...
Will anyone PLEASE give their opinions and supported Ahadeeth, InshAllah.. I would be truly grateful..
Killer Ian Huntley is to sue the prison service after he had his throat slashed by another inmate in Frankland Prison, County Durham.
Soham Killer To Sue Prison Service For £100k
333 Comments12:36pm UK, Saturday July 31, 2010
Carole Erskine, Sky News Online
Killer Ian Huntley is to sue the prison service after he had his throat slashed by another inmate in Frankland Prison, County Durham.
It is reported he is demanding almost £100,000 from the Ministry of Justice for failing in its duty of care towards him.
He was taken to hospital in March after the attack and required urgent treatment.
A Ministry of Justice spokesperson said: "Ian Huntley is bringing a claim against the Ministry of Justice following an assault by another prisoner.
Tea Party is extremist political party like the BNP which is bent on removing Islam from United States. EDL and other White racists love this movement.
Indoctrinating Americans to Hate Muslims
Will Anti-Muslim Crusade Bring Blood to America?
The act of right-wing Christian terrorism in Norway last week had many American influences and the anti-Muslim demagoguery that drove Anders Breivik has deeply embedded itself within the fascist Republican Tea Party as well as the Christian Right. An extremely volatile mix ensuring that in 2012 there will be a possibility of blood in the streets.
"Israel today, Israel tomorrow, and Israel forever."
- Pastor John Hagee
Children as young as five are admitted to hospital for treatment for eating disorders, a recovering anorexic says the blame should not be placed on magazines
Just under 600 were aged 12 or under, with 98 aged between five and seven, 99 aged eight or nine and almost 400 between 10 and 12.
The figures came from 35 NHS trusts in England and were released as part of a Freedom of Information request.
Johanna Harrison is a recovering anorexic who was diagnosed at 15.
She said: "I had an emotional and negative relationship with food for a long time. I remember being secretive about eating at seven, eight and nine.
Salaam y'all!
So if you've checked out the Happy blog (if you haven't what u waiting for?!) you'll see that the title of this blog is the same as one of the books I got from the bookshop. I've started reading it and I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. Sooo I was thinking...I should be posting on revvy as I'm reading it so that you can get some good out of it as well inshAllah.
ATTENTION!: Dear ladies and gents
It has come to my attention....nah, I kid, I kid. What I really want to say is that after looong and hard deliberating, I have indeedy decided to break this thread into part! Can I hear a woot, woot?
Syria's uprising faced one of its defining moments when President Bashar al-Assad followed in his father's footsteps and sent in tanks to crush protests in the central city of Hama, killing up to 100 people and triggering a new wave of international outrage.
Read more @ The Guardian
Is Mashal Radio, with zahid maqbool and saj, going to resume its ramadan talk show
or not
please say it is-I really enjoyed them
Simple as that folks..what made you HAPPPY today?
Was it being the first in the lunch que? Was it because you bought that thing that you had your eye on for aaaages? OR...maybe you met a friend that you hadn't seen in years? Alright the examples may not be aall that but but that fine. Ya get the picture Im sure, were all smart enough here (yes I AM talking to you).It doesn't have to be all that, but then again, if it made you happy I guess it WAS.
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