Forum Topics

What do you know about... Tajikistan?!

Islam Worries an Authoritarian Government

Islam is blossoming in Tajikistan. Beards are in style. Headscarves, too. Bazaars are doing a booming trade in prayer rugs, religious audio recordings and gaudy clocks featuring Muslim holy sites.

After decades of enforced secularism, the people of this impoverished former Soviet republic have been flocking to their traditional religion with all the zeal of born-again movements anywhere in the world.

Default Free & For First time ever! Obtain Ijazah in the Musnad of Imam al-Darimi (RA)

Cordoba Academy for Classical Islamic Sciences


For the first time ever!
Obtain Ijazah in the Musnad of Imam al-Darimi (RA) through a study of his


In this course Shaikh Mohammed Daniel will teach each of the 15 narrations from a different scholar of Hadith linking students through him to scholars in Makkah, al-Madinah, Fes, Damascus, San’aa, Rabat, Sahranphur, Amman and other cities to Imam al-Darimi (RA) and ultimately to the Blessed Prophet Sayyidina Mohammed صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم

This is a unique opportunity to acquire the blessing of being connected through an uninterrupted chain of narrators to the Beloved & Blessed صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم and the best thing is that this course is complimentary.

Leadership and management Workshop!!

**Leadership and Management Course**

Date: Saturday 23rd July 2011

Time: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm

Venue: North West london

Price: only! £20 (£25 from 16th July and at the door)

Refreshments included, lunch available for purchase


Accredited course


Lotus Life in association with Aksaa Ltd would like to invite you to this unique workshop on Leadership and Management.

Discover the perfect Leadership style and managerial skills of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and learn how to best apply them to contemporary thinking and everyday life, whether at home or at work.

Fundraising For Gaza


Some brothers are going to Palestine - Gaza insha'Allah, to give humanitarian aid and to help the children and people of Gaza. As you can imagine a lot of money is needed to complete the objectives and goals inside palestine. Food, aid/medicine, shelter, medical resources, toys, sport facilities, etc.

So could you please donate generously and may Allah (swt) accept all our efforts. Ameen.
To donate - go to the following website:

Jazakhallah Khairun


The Life of Muhammad
Monday 11th July, 21:00 on BBC Two

In a ground-breaking first for British television, this three-part series presented by Rageh Omaar charts the life of Muhammad, a man who - for the billion and half Muslims across the globe - is the messenger and final prophet of God.

In a journey that is both literal and historical and beginning in Muhammad's birthplace of Mecca, Omaar investigates the Arabia Muhammad was born into - a world of tribal loyalties and polytheistic religion.


I am genuinely getting very annoyed now.

I've just seen some article, albeit from the ohsocrappy daily star, saying that there are now 'Shariah enforced zones' where there are bunches of people going around demanding that people follow the shariah! And before you assume this is just a rag being sensationalist as I originally thought, Its not- supposedly it's actually happening, and this group 'MuslimsAgainstCrusades' actually exists. I saw it quoted here and if you google the quote you'll see lots of links for it though its been taken off the actual site.

First Ever Khatm-ul-Bukhari Jalsa at Kulliyatul Madaniyyah (In the presence of Mufti Taqi Uthmani)

Be part of this blessed gathering in witnessing our Amaatullah not only graduating, but becoming beacons of light for this Ummah

Furthermore, Sponsors, donations and aid will be greatly appreciated as the schools financial state is still developing.

So InshaAllah please contact me through this post up if you are able to support or know of any support available.

JazaakumAllahu Kheiran

Horn of Africa drought: 'A vision of hell'

The UK's Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) has launched an emergency appeal to help the more than 10 million people affected by severe drought in the Horn of Africa. The BBC's Ben Brown is the first TV journalist to visit the Dadaab refugee camp in eastern Kenya, where more than 1,000 people arrive each day seeking help.

Read more @ BBC News

Shab-e-Barat Event :: Oldham :: Sat 16 Jul '11

Shab-e-Barat - Night of Salvation

Guest Speakers:
Allama Qamar-Uz-Zaman Azmi
Allama Mufti Ansar-Ul-Qadri
Allama Hafiz Khan Muhammad Qadri
Shaykh Salim Ghisa

On Saturday 16th July, starts at 7.15pm after Asr salat
At Nagina Jamia Masjid, 74 Werneth Hall Rd., Coppice, Oldham, OL8 4BB

Separate facilities for sisters
Food served throughout the event
