Forum Topics

Racist France wanted to limit number of coloured players in national team?

First they banned the veil.

Then they evicted Roma people from France going counter to the EU enlargement agreement and process.

Next they almost tore up the Schengen Agreement over border controls when Migrants from Tunisia went into Italy and wanted to move up into France. They still want to tear it up actually.

Sunnah of Allah by Shaykh Muhammad Yusri

Sunnah of Allah

- FREE PUBLIC EVENT - Saturday 30th April


BY Shaykh Muhammad Yusri – Egypt

What are these Sunnah of Allaah and how do we relate to them
The Intent, Planning and Actions of Allaah
Allaah is in Control and involved in the Affairs of the Creation

This is a FREE EVENT for Brothers & Sisters
Refreshments will be provided

Venue: London Muslim Center (LMC), 1st Floo, 46-92 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1JX

Nearest Tube: Whitechapel & Algate East Station
Nearest Bus: 205,25,254 & D3


What is it?

What's the difference between being naive and being innocent?

Is it a good characteristic?

Is it needed to be a good Muslim - you know, having faith and hope in people/situations? Or is it being unrealistic/stupid?


GO-Makkah is the first and the only website which is 100% dedicated to Hajj and Umrah travel agencies. It offers the first online comparison of pilgrimage offers to Mecca in Europe. It selects the most serious travel agencies for the Pilgrims, and guides them to choose the formula that best suits their needs.

GO-Makkah checks all the agencies information including its records, financial guarantee, statistics and certifications, etc.. . There are icons to inform and help you understand all the aspects of an offer.

Quranic Studies

This is where we talk Quran, memorization, reading, tajweed etc..

anything and everything you want to talk about QURAN!

for the first 4 comments or so: this topic was previously known as arabic, but that topic already existed, so i gave THIS topic a makeover.

dont be confuse. just. skip the first 4 comments...

New Blog - IslamOnCampus on the Sunni Aqeeda

Assalam Alaykum

IslamOnCampus is a new blog made in support of the Sunni Aqeeda and this blog meticulously sources references to misunderstood concepts in the contemporary society by evidencing the quran, sunnah and sayings of classical scholars.

Subscribe to it, there's a lot more to come!!

"The aim is to present the true Islamic perspective based on evidence from Quran, Sunnah and 1400 years of scholastic legacy. We hope that this blog is of benefit for those truly seeking the true teachings of Islam"

Five Pillars Of Islam(

What Are the Five Pillars of Islam?
The Five Pillars of Islam are the framework of the Muslim life. They are:

1) The Testimony of Faith:
The testimony of faith is saying with conviction, “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah.” This saying means “There is no true god (deity) but (Allah) and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God.” The first part, “There is no true god but God,” means that none has the right to be worshipped but God alone, and that God has neither partner nor son. This testimony of faith is called the Shahada.

2) Prayer:

A World Torn Apart.....(Part 2)

So on his birthday little boy (Lets call him Jack), lost his mommy and daddy.

They all said he had to go live with daddy's brother cos mommy's sister's house is not big enough. So off he went, packed his bag, his toothbrush, mommy said he should always brush his teeth in the morning and before going to bed, and now he is six so he can't be lazy anymore. He packed his teddy, his clothes shoes, and toys. He looked at a picture of mommy, cried and put it into his bag.

Uncles house was huge, but aunt said he should not sit on the couches cos he will mess them up. He unpacked is bags, put mommy's picture on the pedestal besides him and fell of to sleep clutching his teddy tightly, cos he was the only friend he had and did'nt want to loose him.
