Forum Topics

Have I Been Tricked...

After watching the arrivals recently, I have been thinking, "Has Satan tricked me"?

To be honest I think he has. I have been pondering about this satan character, I can't see him, hear him, or touch him. So where the hell is he?????????????

The answer sends a shudder through my body, so where is he, how can he possibly make me evil, if I can't see, hear or touch him??


He controls everything from up there, I watched the arrivals and the mind control tactics of the Zionists and it struck me, if they can do this on a global scale, what can be achieved on an individual basis? If Satan wants me to do anything the only way he can achieve this is by mind control, make me think "I" wanna do it.

M...Is for Madness

I have really been thiking about this whole marriage thingy. If a guy really, really wants to get married then I guess the only solution would be if he uses his full quota of wives very wisely. I think something like this could work, not ideal but atleast he will get the maximum out of them every ten years or so, it would have to be something like this:

At 25 marry someone who is 20 (1st wife)
At 35 marry someone who is 25 (2nd wife)
At 45 marry someone who is 30 (3rd wife)
At 55 marry someone who is 35 (4th wife)
At 65 hopefully you're dead or 1st wife is dead, if she's dead marry someone who is 35....

I highly don't recommend marrying anyone over the age of 35, no matter how old a guy may be. I don't see any other solution, do you??

Research to improve well-being among Muslims

Dear British Muslims,

I am a PhD student doing research into how we can improve well-being among Muslims living in the UK and I’d really appreciate the help of British Muslims in doing my research.

For those of you who identify themselves as Muslims and are 18 years or older, I’d be very grateful if you could please fill out my questionnaire (should only take about 10 minutes), which you can find at:

Please feel free to pass on this link to Muslim friends of family living in the UK!

Many thanks!!

Linda Smile

Prayer: Beyond The Motions

Prayer: Beyond The Motions is coming to London, UK on April 22-23, 2011!

In this unique seminar, learn how to connect spiritually with your Creator through prayer. Let us teach you the hidden meanings behind salah and why it is essential to your existence. Not only will the instructor impart the skills you'll need to master khushoo but he will delve more deeply, into the inner realms and intricacies of this ibadaa. As a result, the prayer will no longer be regarded as a mechanical chore, but an intimate meeting with the Divine. Through such insight, we hope you will leave this non-fiqh seminar with an awakened and unparalleled understanding of this fundamental pillar of Islam.


Assalamu alaikum,

Quick question, i got into a discussion where we were talking about the proof of the creator. Well we got to the point where we were talking about everything in the world being limited and how the creator must be unlimted.

I asked him is there anything in this world that is limitless and after many attempts they propsed that time was limitless.

I tried to convince that time was limited but they just wouldn't buy it and i just wanted to know if anyone could help me prove that time is limited(in a way most people would understand).

What i asked them was if the universe started with the Big Bang Theory then surely that is when time started. For something to have a beginning it also has an end so therefor it is limited cause it had a beginning.

Catherine Heseltine on The Big Questions

Catherine Heseltine from MPAC appeared on this show and was good at counter arguing the convert's views-the Muslim convert had really really extreme views and im glad she was on it,otherwise people would think Muslims are extremists..

oh wait..

= P

Enjoy guys

Good debate but tooooo slanted in favour of human evolution

Treasures of the Prophets: Practical Lessons from Qur'anic Discourses?

Treasures of the Prophets: Practical Lessons from Qur'anic Discourses

Saturday 16 April, 9.30am - 5.00pm @ Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ

Click here to book your place *EARLY BIRD OFFER AVAILABLE UNTIL 09 APRIL*:

“Indeed in their stories [that is, the stories of the prophets] there is a lesson for men of understanding. This (Qur’an) is no invented tale but a confirmation of the previous (books), a detailed explanation of all things, a guidance and a mercy to people who believe.” {Yusuf 12:111}

Single Muslim Marriage Event for Professionals

Salam Brother & Sisters

Just to update everyone.

We have our next Muslim Marriage Event (Open Event - All Ages) on Sunday April 24th April 2011 at The Gables Hotel, Old Damson Lane, Solihull, B92 9ED.

For all those who have enquired & want to book, tickets are now available from

Please be advised tickets will be limited and must be purchased in advance.

Please call Mo on 07854837000 or Alisha on 07737309349 or visit

Please message on for any brother or sisters looking.



Okay i know this is totally random, but..errm how should i say this....why is there a shortage of smiles? In my experience it seems that as people get older, frowns are always stamped on their faces... I think in today’s day and age everyone needs to smile a little bit - like to the old women hobbling up your street or to the passer byes on the bus or tube.... The prophet Muhammad (p.bu.h) has said that "Smiling is a charity" so shouldn't we stick to the sunnah and try to spread the magic of Islam around...?
BTW... Just to clarify.. I'm not saying that everyone is miserable and moody.. Im Just saying BIG SMILES EVERYONE! Smile and help spread the Sunnah Biggrin
