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Life is really funny sometimes

I am thinking whether to go to masjid for fajr or not, i decide to go with only 7 mins left to get there. 

I get outside my house and it is freezing cold and extremely windy and notice i now have 5 mins to get there. I start questioning if i would still make it, maybe i should pray at home. 

I think about the rewards of praying in congregation and that i cant let shaytaan beat me. Now having made firm intention to get to the masjid no matter what, that only Allah can stop me not shaytaan. I walk onwards to the masjid with long and fast strides.

About 10 seconds later i realize that i have left my keys at home Sad  

Life is really funny sometimes Smile

It's not over 'til the Trumpet's blown: Tawbah and Repentance

It's not over 'til the Trumpet's blown: Tawbah and Repentance

Saturday 19 March, 9.30am - 5.30pm @ Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ

Click here to book your place *EARLY BIRD OFFER AVAILABLE UNTIL 12 MARCH*:

Say "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful. And turn [in repentance] to your Lord…" [Al Zumar: 53-54]

New Islamic Comedy series on youtube. Check it out people :-)

Salaam people!

I've come across a delightful comedy series with a really good underlying Islamic moral at the end. It's called Fresher Than Your Average on youtube. They have released 3 episodes so far, each getting better. Check them out. I've pasted the link for Episode 3 (the latest episode) below.

Do You stutter/stammer?


After the Kings Speech stutter/stammering is an issue that is under discussion...

The Revival is working on an article on this issue, so your thoughts will be helpful

does anybody here stutter?

do you know anyone who stammers?

do ppl feel its from birth?

do you stutter if you have a traumatic upbringing? eg parents shout at you alot/slap you etc

what do people think of speech therapists?

does anybody know anyone who had a bad stammer but now is cured?

Can stammering really be cured?

does stammering affect your confidence? if so how does one overcome it?


Christian foster couple lose 'homosexuality views' case

A Christian couple opposed to homosexuality have lost a court battle over their right to become foster carers.

Eunice and Owen Johns, 62 and 65, of Derby, said the city council did not want them to look after children because of their traditional views.

They claim they were "doomed not to be approved" due to their opinions.

The High Court ruled that laws protecting people from sexual discrimination should take precedence.

BBC News

Mousavi & Karroubi Take A Hike

Iran Seizes Opposition, Held In Secret Jail
[quote="AP"]TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's state prosecutor says all outside contact with the country's two opposition leaders has been cut as part of a campaign to silence dissent.

Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejehi warned "other measures" could be taken if necessary against Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mahdi Karroubi. His remarks were reported Monday by the official IRNA news agency.

The development is a dramatic escalation following warnings by an international human rights group, which said Sunday the two leaders and their wives were taken from their homes by security forces.

"Tell me your story"

This is a story I read that gave me shivers and completely touched me. I think it's beautiful. Oh and try not to delete it if you can resist the temptation please :roll:

A righteous man was once asked to tell the story of the pivotal moment of his life, the moment in which he first began to apply the teachings of Islam, and the following was his answer:

UK: 52% think Muslims create problems, 39% of Asians want immigration halt

Almost two-thirds of white Britons think immigration has been bad for the UK, according to a survey which anti-racism campaigners called a "disturbing picture" of society's attitudes.


Immigration was held to have been on the whole a bad thing for Britain by 63% of whites, 43% of Asians and 17% of black Britons. It found that 39% of Asians, 34% of whites and 21% of blacks believed immigration should be halted either permanently or at least until the UK's economy was back on track.

Almost half (48%) were open to supporting a new far-right party as long as it eschewed "fascist imagery" and did not condone violence. And 52% agreed that "Muslims create problems in the UK".
