Forum Topics

Wajahat Ali: My awkward moments in Muslim prayer

It can be tricky practicing Islam. Have you ever tried to find the direction of Mecca in a Gap fitting room?

A Muslim who prays in public is like James Bond, but without the bling, sophisticated gadgets and entourage of gorgeous women eager to bed him. Both brilliantly fail at every attempt at stealth. Like the fictional secret agent, a Muslim, despite his best intentions and clandestine efforts, sticks out like a pink elephant when forced to offer his ritualistic prayer, salat, outside the comforting cocoon of his home or mosque.


*Video removed due to censorship and general intolerance for stuff that is not entirely compliant with particular beliefs. Says a lot about the state of the world. Should probably think twice when some of you complain that the rest of the world is intolerant of you.

But yeah, I'll stick to putting up pictures of unicorns praying on rainbows :roll:

If anyone's interested it was a video off youtube of Somalian girls in full muslim dress dancing with men. And contrary to the comments there was no 'semi naked'ness, that was the entire point of uploading it, seeing how little it means to some people because it has kind of become so much of an obligation or culture to most.


West is West- sequel to East is East


The much awaited sequel to East is East is out.

Anyone seen it?

What did you make of East is East?

Do you think such films are important in highlighting issues such as identity/religion/culture that British Asian Muslims face today?

Or do you think they do more damage than good?

Or should it just be seen as a funny film- and thats it?

Or should we NOT WATCH IT and stay away as its all UnIslamic?

Watch traile

r here
and here

Read a critical review of the new film by The Guardian.



"Signs of a hypocrite are three: whenever he speaks he lies; whenever he promises, he breaks his promises; and whenever he has been entrusted, he betrays his trust; even if he fasts and prays and even if he claims he is a Muslim." [Bukhari & Muslim]

And in another narration in the book of Imam Bukhari on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Umar:

“The Prophet said, "Whoever has (the following) four characters will be a hypocrite, and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy until he gives it up. These are:

(1) Whenever he talks, he tells a lie; (2) whenever he makes a promise, he breaks it; (3) whenever he makes a covenant he proves treacherous; (4) and whenever he quarrels, he behaves impudently in an evil insulting manner."

Young Muslim Writers Awards

Young inspiring writers from around the country are once again invited to submit creative, interesting and original entries to the Young Muslim Writer's Awards

The deadline for receiving entries is on Monday 7th of March 2011

The judges will announce the winners for each category at a prestigious, invitation-only presentation ceremony to be held at the Institute of English Studies, University of London in June 2011.

Now in its 5th year, the Muslim Writers Awards is widely acknowledged by writers and professionals from the publishing world as the most recognised, exciting and credible platform for Muslim writers of all ages.

British gay Muslims seek Islamic weddings

British gay Muslims seek Islamic weddings

British gay Muslims are joining the global fight for equality and seeking gay Islamic marriage. The BBC's 5 live Investigates speaks to one couple about their 'nikah' - a Muslim matrimonial contract - and asks how they balance their sexuality with the Islamic faith.

"We met about three years ago, at an iftar - a breaking of fast during Ramadan.

"I think a lot of Muslims find that time of year very spiritual and very enlightening, and so I think that's why our relationship developed, because we spoke about our faith."

"Eventually we went on a date."

Libya unrest: Scores killed in Benghazi 'massacre'

Details have emerged of huge casualty figures in the Libyan city of Benghazi, where troops have launched a brutal crackdown on protesters.

More than 200 people are known to have died, doctors say, with 900 injured.

The most bloody attacks were reported over the weekend, when a funeral procession is said to have come under machine-gun and heavy weapons fire.

Read more @ BBC News

Fifi needs sleep + important stuff about Umar (ra)

Umar (ra) died of the wounds three days later on Sunday, 7 November 644. Umar (ra) is reported to have left the following testament:

Be kind and generous to the Muhajirun and the Ansar. Those out of them who are good, be good to them; those who are bad overlook their lapses. Be good to the people of the conquered lands. They are the outer line of our defense; they are the target of the anger and distress of our enemies. They contribute to our revenues. They should be taxed only on their surplus wealth.

Be gracious to the Bedouins as they are the backbone of the Arab nation. I instruct you to be good to the Dhimmis for they are your responsibility. Do not tax them beyond their capacity.

Ensure that they pay the Jizya without undue inconvenience.
