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1 in 10 Britons Will Be Muslim

1 in 10 Britons Will Be Muslim


One in ten Britons will be Muslim within the next two decades. So says the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.

There will be some wriggling on seats about this demographic projection. But what there won't be is enough serious consideration of how secular Britain must meet Islam half-way in the UK.

What do I mean by this?

Let me start by saying that I grew up in Britain's most Islamic city.

Climber found reading map after 1,000ft fall

"<a href="">BBC News</a>" wrote:
Climber found reading map after 1,000ft fall

A climber who fell 1,000ft (305m) down a mountain and survived was found by his rescuers standing up reading a map.

Adam Potter, 36, lost his footing at the summit of Sgurr Choinnich Mor near Ben Nevis and plummeted down the near-vertical eastern slope.

Lt Tim Barker, from the helicopter rescue crew, said: "It seemed impossible... he must have literally glanced off the outcrops as he fell."

Birmingham Event: Celebrating The Life and Works Of The Two Mujaddids‏‏ Imam Ahmad Raza Khan And Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi

Assalamualaykum Brothers And Sisters

Please Do Not Miss This Event Celebrating The lives of two great mujaddids:

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Of Brelvi Sharif


Shaykh Ahmad Farooqi Sirhindi

everyone Welcome ,Free Event



The most brutal, beastly and inhuman treachery in the history of mankind is the desecration and destruction of the pious Graves of the family members of Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم), Sahabah (رضئ اللھ تعالی عنہم اجمعین ), Imams and Awliya Allah in Saudi Arabia in the hands of fanatic Wahhabis. Human history has seen many massacres of living people, but no one has seen desecration and destruction of the graves and memorials of the ancestors of the defeated people in the hands of triumphant army. Salafis are the only people in the known history of mankind who have this dubious distinction.

Kenyan mother 'cursed' with six sets of twins

Most women would struggle to cope with six sets of twins but for Gladys Bulinya it is even more difficult - as many people in her part of Kenya think twins are cursed.

Her relatives will have nothing to do with her, and her husband left her, fearing she was jinxed, after the sixth pair of twins arrived last year.

BBC News

and before you man haters decide this is a perfect opportunity to hate on men, read to atleast the point where the first set of twins' grand father takes them in.

Egypt Protests On The Road To Revolution?

Assalamu alaikum

Protests in Egypt, people want to oust Hosni Mubarak. On Youtube google egypt protests 2011. I saw one clip where the crowds made the riot police retreat in fear.

I just wonder what are they protesting for fair democratic rule, or a fair islamic state? Anyone know?

Keep up with it, and insha'Allah pray for the muslim brothers and sisters over there.

P.S Lebanon are also protesting against their new leader hezbullah's najib miqati, youtube it. Also see presstv. But here there is possible sectarian violence, sunnis view it as a religious war against them.

Palestine papers reveal MI6 drew up plan for crackdown on Hamas

British intelligence helped draw up a secret plan for a wide-ranging crackdown on the Islamist movement Hamas which became a security blueprint for the Palestinian Authority, leaked documents reveal. The plan asked for the internment of leaders and activists, the closure of radio stations and the replacement of imams in mosques.


The bulk of the British plan has since been carried out by the West Bank-based PA security apparatus which is increasingly criticised for authoritarian rule and human rights abuses, including detention without trial and torture.

Read more @ The Guardian
