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[Pakistan] Fury over doctor's book on sex education for Muslims

Dr Mobin Akhtar is on a mission to educate Pakistanis in sexual matters, but his latest attempt to do so has caused controversy.

The release of his book - Sex Education for Muslims - aims to teach people about sex in a way that is in keeping with Islamic instruction.

Dr Akhtar, 81, says the fact that sex is not discussed in Pakistan is having serious repercussions. As a psychiatrist, he says he has witnessed them himself, and that is why he felt the need to write his book.

Read more @ BBC News

A new Study about division of inheritance according to Quran.



Division of Inheritance

assoc. prof. dr. eng. halis aydemir

No matter in which language you write the words of 'Qu'ran' and 'error'; when you search in the internet, first examples you see in the sites will be about the ones concerning the claim of error related with the inheritance verses in Qur'an. You will see the explanations with these verses in detail and the criticism of how these verses cannot be applied mathematically with some practical examples as well!

Whether such approach directed to Qu'ran is evil-minded or querier is not related with the essence of the issue; in conclusion there is a challenge pointed out mathematically in such critiques and this condition cannot be ignored.

Sudan Referendum (and possible civil war)

Tomorrow, Jamuary 9 2011 is the date for a referendum in Sudan where the Christian South may secede to create a separate country from the Muslim/Arab north.

If it does secede, there could be war as in the middle there are resource rich over which the newly divided country will fight.

If the south does not secede, then there could be war as the southerners will feel their rights are being trampled over by the north and will also feel threatened by some bedouin like people who are moving south to escape the expansion of the sahara desert to the north.

Something to keep on top of.

Two pakistani men convicted of grooming and raping "young white girls"

Two pakistani men have been convicted of grooming "young white girls" and Jack straw thinks the Pakistani community needs to get its act in order. (source)

I think the criticism he has recieved for stereotyping is besides the point and that he is right to discuss the issue as it needs to be discussed.

Hello everybody

salamou alaykom guys,How are you all ? hope you're doing good !
actually i came here while looking for a british moslim magazine,oh,i forgot ,firstly: I'm Ehab from Syria ,19,male,i study English literature..second year
actually im looking for a job which is translating islamic articles from Arabic into Englsih ,i mean i wanna get some money using both internet and my skill in translating..would be glad if you give me your opinions !
and by the way,im really glad to see Islam spread all over the world ..thanks for your time guys..see you..byeeee

True Value of Women

Subhanallah, May allah open the eyes of the muslim women around the world. Ameen.

True Value of Women

Given my privilege as a woman, I only degrade myself by trying to be something I'm not - and in all honesty - I don' t want to be a man. As women, we will never reach true liberation until we stop trying to mimic men, and value the beauty in our own God-given distinctiveness.

On March 18, 2005 Amina Wadud led the first female-led Jumuah (Friday) prayer. On that day women took a huge step towards being more like men. But, did we come closer to actualizing our God-given liberation?
I don't think so.
