Forum Topics

British man arrested for 'fake kidnap' in Pakistan

A Briton of Pakistani origin has been arrested for faking his own kidnapping with that of his British wife to get a ransom from his family, say police.

The couple were living in Pakistan and were reported missing on 10 January from Gulberg, Lahore.

Police later found Awais Hadier Shah, 28, and his wife Jamie William, 24, hiding in a hotel room.

Mr Shah is expected to be charged with offences, including fraud. Police say his wife is not involved in the plot.

Read more @ BBC News

Great TV

Boardwalk Empire. SKY ATLANTIC WED 6TH FEB 9PM

Lie To Me is awesome. I like Tim Roth. My aunt sent me the first series on DVD and since then I haven't missed an episode. Some people seem to prefer The Mentalist but I don't know why. Roth is compulsive viewing.

And cartoons that I am totally up to date with are all the Seth MacFarlane ones (Family Guy, American Dad and The Cleveland Show) even if his humour is often offensive, The Simpsons, whose Christmas episode was shockingly inappropriate, and of course South Park.

Great TV that I don't really watch: Eastenders, Star Trek... help me out here, what are your favourite shows in 2011?

Peoples politics.

Just wondering.

You know when someone badmouths/has an argument with/etc with their friends and family and they get involved with the argument etc?

Well Islamically what should you do in such cases?

It makes sense to just keep yourself neutral and don't get involved in other peoples' business I think, unless they really need some support and are in the right.

But when it's your family it's just different. Are you still supposed to be pleasant to them if they're pleasant to you? Or is it ok to 'stick up' for people?

(I had no idea what to title this, does it even make sense? Admin if you can think of a more suitable title feel free to change)

Sexual Grooming and Pakistani Youths

Sexual Grooming and Pakistani Youths

Jack Straw, the justice secretary in the former British government, sparked controversy when he accused young men of Pakistani origin in Britain as regarding vulnerable native girls as "easy meat" for sexual abuse. The Blackburn MP and one of the Labor Party’s most prominent figures challenged the Pakistani community in the United Kingdom to tackle a problem that has resulted in "Pakistani heritage men thinking it is OK to target native girls in this way".

Mr. Straw made his remarks after two Asian men were jailed indefinitely in Nottingham for a series of rapes and sexual attacks on vulnerable girls they had picked up on the streets.

BBC Panorama: Muslim Schooling

BBC Panorama: Muslim Schooling
John Ware is nothing more than an Islamophobe and an Islam basher. To single out Islam as the only religion where such so-called teachings are given proves Ware's own prejudice, bigotry and hatred. The documentary contained many close-up images of hijab-clad girls set to sinister music, as well as slow-motion shots of so-called radical preachers and Muslim men praying in mosques. The message was that Muslim communities are isolating themselves from mainstream society. It gave the impression that Muslim parents who send their children to faith schools are exercising ‘voluntary apartheid’. We live in a world of many divides. Indeed, it would appear that divides are the norm rather than the exception.

Tunisia: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced out

Tunisia's president has stepped down after 23 years in power amid unprecedented protests on the streets of the capital Tunis.

Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi said he would be taking over from President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.

A state of emergency has been declared amid protests over corruption, unemployment and rising prices.

Mr Ben Ali has flown to the Mediterranean island of Malta, reports the BBC's Christian Fraser in Paris.

Read more @ BBC News

Unity Foundation New Monthly Tafsir Classes | Shaykh Haroon Hanif | WEDNESDAY 26th January 2011 | 7.30pm‏ - PRESTON, LANCASHIRE

Unity Foundation are pleased to invite you to the new monthly Tafsir program starting with


‘’ Understanding the meaning of the Majestic Quran’’

Gain a greater appreciation of how studying the language and context of Qur’anic chapters adds greater depth to the Understanding of Allah’s final revelation to mankind.

Classes start on: WEDNESDAY 26th January, 2011 7.30PM (Brothers & Sisters welcome)

Taught by: Shaykh Haroon Hanif (Greensville Trust)
