Forum Topics


have you heard about the edl in luton?
racism and the government hasnt done anything to stop it
and also in barking i heard from word of mouth that muslim doors are being marked with red
i dont understand how nothing has happened to stop all this but when we do something like that we're all racists!
anyone else sharing my point of view?

The Rageh Omaar Report - Turkey's New Visionary

A documentary on one of Turkey's power men Ahmet Dvatoglu, The foriegn minister, who is a charismatic man.

The other two men weilding power for the government are currently the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the President, Abdullah Gul.

While this documentary starts out focussing on the Foriegn Minister, it later focusses on other challenging aspects of Turkey, including the Armenian and Kurdish issues and touches on the issue of the military and judiciary challenge to the current government.

(contents do seem to suggest that parts of this were filmed before September 12 2010.)


David Cameron joins the EDL!

David Cameron has criticised "state multiculturalism" in his first speech as prime minister on radicalisation and the causes of terrorism.

At a security conference in Munich, he argued the UK needed a stronger national identity to prevent people turning to all kinds of extremism.

He also signalled a tougher stance on groups promoting Islamist extremism.

The speech angered some Muslim groups, while others queried its timing amid an English Defence League rally in the UK.

Read more @ BBC News

Either that, or he is jumping on what he considers to be an "easy" political bandwaggon.

Do you celebrate Mawlid/Milad?


Since the month eof Rabbi ul Awwal has started we will see many Mawlid gatherings across the country.

Now do you take part in Milaad/Mawlid gatherings?

Do you attend em at the masjids or have your own gatherings at home?

Or do you agree with milaad but dont really take part in any mawlid gatherings?

Or do you simply think its all wrong and stay away from them!

Note: Keep this topic sectarian free, no accusations pls. Lets see if we can discuss this without abuse an dfallouts!

[TV] Louix Theroux: Ultra Zionists

Louis Theroux spends time with a small and very committed subculture of ultra-nationalist Jewish settlers. He discovers a group of people who consider it their religious and political obligation to populate some of the most sensitive and disputed areas of the West Bank, especially those with a spiritual significance dating back to the Bible.

Throughout his journey, Louis gets close to the people most involved with driving the extreme end of the Jewish settler movement - finding them warm, friendly, humorous, and deeply troubling.

Tonight at 9pm on BBC two and probably on iplayer afterwards.

Explanation of Surat Anbiyaa: early bird discount until 1 Feb!

Explanation of Surat Al-Anbiyaa

Tuesdays 6.30pm - 8.30pm @ MWL, 8 Feb to 8 March.

Click here to book your place *EARLY BIRD OFFER AVAILABLE UNTIL 1 FEB*:

"Draws near for mankind their reckoning, while they turn away in heedlessness.” [Al-Anbiyaa’: 1]

Surat Al-Anbiyaa’ is the 21st chapter of the Qur’an and is a Meccan Surah. It covers Islamic creed in its diverse branches such as the message, Allah’s Divine Unity, resurrection, the day of reckoning and its hardships and fearsome encounter. The surah also relates the stories of the Holy Prophets.
