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I was just wondering, what your views were on eyes.

I mean not eyes in general, but about eyes speaking more than words.

I have heard from a Yiddish Proverb (don't ask me what that it) that eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Even I have been told that my eyes say more than my words.

What do you guys think?


With Hate - From the Ripper

Someone on some other thread who calls themselves "Power of Silence" says I should intro, so here goes:

As you pass through a lonely alley late at night and hear footsteps, tip tap, tip tap right behind you, you turn around and see no one there, chances are it's THE RIPPER!!!!!!!!!

I love what fear does to a person, ever seen a cornered cat? A mother cougar defending her cubs against a grizzly bear?
A rape victim?

Look into her eyes just before you slash her throat!!
Scared, yet hopeful, will she fight? will she give in? moments of desperation, she actually looks at you hoping for mercy, almost as if you are god, her life in your hands, she will do anything to live another day.

Online Ijaza Course Shama'il al-Tirmidhi

Cordoba Academy
gladly announces the launch of its latest 12-week online
Ijaza course

"Al-Shama’il al-Muhammadiyyah"
Sublime Qualities of the Beloved (SAW)

ONLY $54
With the esteemed mentor
Shaikh Mohammed Daniel

Friday 18 February 9:00 PM (Makkah Time)
To request more information or to register your place, please email


Uganda: the worst place to be gay

Thats the name of the programme on BBC Three at the moment.
the guy doin the diggin is a radio presenter who himself is gay..

but he was talking to people who had been disowned by their family for coming out and one of the guys said "we are born guy, we will die gay".

Im remembering the post that someone put up on here about the muslim girl who came out and im thinking about what issues a muslim might face in such a siutation.

yes, homosexuality is haraam, but the refraining of it isnt as straightforward as refraining from lets say..alcohol because what is involved are a persons feelings, a lot more complex i'd say...(now let it be known that i dont support homosexuality before anyone thinks i do and starts ranting of on one)
