Little Mosque On The Prairie
Anyone seen it?
I've only watched part of one episode here: Seems interesting and I believe it was made by a Muslim?
Anyone seen it?
I've only watched part of one episode here: Seems interesting and I believe it was made by a Muslim?
The Great Manchester Run takes place every year where the general public take part to raise money for charity.
So any advice, tips for the run would be great. As its a 10km run and I usually only run after the bus lol so its gonna be a challenge for me
And of course feel free to sponosr me!
Anyone else taking part?
Leprosy has officially been eliminated in India, yet 130,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. Richard Cookson and Seyi Rhodes report on the plight of the patients shunned by society
Narsappa was just 10 years old when he was told he had leprosy, but the news changed the course of his life forever. People in his Indian village immediately began to shun him and told his parents that he had to leave. He says his mother started grieving for him "as if I was already dead". Shortly afterwards, his father took him to a hospital two hours away from home and left him there. No one ever came to visit him and Narsappa never went home again.
Smash-hit soap opera based on Ottoman empire's most revered leader, Suleiman the Magnificent, provokes 70,000 complaints
For the show's producers, it is nothing less than a magnificent controversy. Muhtesem Yuzyil, or Magnificent Century, a lavish primetime soap opera about Suleiman the Magnificent and Hurrem, the slave who became his powerful wife, is as admired in Istanbul as it is reviled.
what are they?
Are they real?
and anything else you wanna talk about (subliminal messages related-ish)
Let the Discussion be-be-be-begins!
Salaam everyone!
I'm a master student in London and I'm writing my dissertation about young British Muslim women's experience in their spiritual and personal development. Because of the nature of my uni and my social circle, I'm having difficulty looking for sisters who are doing sciences and sisters who are not in uni to talk to.
Anyway I just wonder if there are any sisters here who may have a little time to share with me their experience? It will be anonymous and confidential and can be done over the internet - some form of instant messaging or, less ideally, through pm or email. Women that I have talked to for my project so far have found it quite fun and enjoyable.
Mention here any beneficial dhikr you come across and wanna share.
Little things to fill our days when we're waiting for the bus, cleaning round the house, sitting on the bus during rush hour (you're going to be late anyway), tyding up your room, walking to the next bus because you missed four buses.
Something to make this seemingly pointless and wasted minutes of our life a source of reward, our faith and help us in our Islam, give us added reward, protection and everything else we can gain from those dhikr.
please, when posting a dhikr try and mention:
*the source
*the reward
*and any beneficial info so that we can get the most out of the dhikr. (translation etc..)
The UN has backed all necessary measuers short of a full on occupation force to help defend the civilians in Libya and air strikes could start against government targets within hours.
Good news or bad?
Gaddafi needs to go but I dont think there should be outside meddling. I may be wrong on this though, and maybe the world will unite under genuine grounds and not turn this into another Iraq from 20 years ago.
Then again I wouldn't be too angry about a single missile strike that takes out Gaddafi. I doubt that will happen though.
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