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War against Islam

Forgive me if i am wrong but to me it looks like alot of the world is in a war against Islam and i don't know why. Are they afraid, do they just hate muslims or is it something else?

Why is there war, occupations or interventions in Muslim countries e.g. Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc.

Why are there bans on the Burkha in France?

This is just the recent activity i am seeing, this has been going on for centuries.

What i want to know is why they are doing this, i mean is there a reasonable explanation for all of this?

The other thing i wanted to know is if we as muslims in the UK and other surrounding countries where we are free to practice Islam have a duty towards our fellow muslims in these suffering countries?

Assalamu Alaikum

I am from South Africa, and love to hear about some of the challenges faced by the muslims in the UK and the world over. I am pretty sure many of you on this forum are far more knowledgeable than myself, so I am looking forward to learn a lot from you guys.

I hope to challenge as well as be challenged in a constructive way, insha allah we can all benefit from this. Please excuse my ignorance of Islam in certain aspects and feel free to guide me towards the right path.


Hassan life after death movie


A video partly showing the journey of a soul after death and also the punishment after death.

This video is mostly in urdu and has some arabic i think, sorry for those who do not understand urdu but may still be able to make sense of it. [english sub video below]

IMO the videos really effective in portraying what happens to those who do not travel upon the straight path and once death hits us it's too late to make amends.

dawah to nonmuslims

Islam Chat Forum ? Why Convert to Islam ? Facts About the Muslim Islamic Religion is one of the projects of the World Wide Association for Introducing Islam (W.W.A.I.I.). This organisation, (الهيئة العالمية للتعريف بالإسلام) located in Al Madinah, works in association with the "World Muslim League in Makkah.

In only 6 months 150 people converted to Islam through Islam Chat Forum ? Why Convert to Islam ? Facts About the Muslim Islamic Religion

Chat with one of the 80 qualified students of Islamic Sciences from more than 20 nationalities, and 15 different languages.


A World Torn Apart...

It was his birthday tomorrow, he loved birthdays, mummy's little boy, is growing up, tomorrow he's going to turn six.

Mummy always baked the most beautiful cakes for his birthday, last year it looked like a soccer ground, with little plastic players and his name right in the middle. He lay awake in bed wondering what mummy's gonna do this time, and daddy always gave him the best presents. He just loved birthdays...

[TV] My Brother the Islamist

Tree surgeon-turned-filmmaker Robb Leech is an ordinary white middle-class boy from the Dorset seaside town of Weymouth. So too is his stepbrother Rich, but a little over a year ago Rich became a radical Islamist who now goes by the name of Salahuddin. He associates with jihadist fundamentalists and believes the UK should be ruled by Sharia law.

Read more and watch on BBC iPlayer

France hates Islam

France and Islam

Gavin Hewitt - BBC, Monday, 4 April 2011

Even while French planes are bombing Gaddafi's forces in Libya France itself is debating Islam and its place in society.

Tomorrow Jean-Francois Cope, a rising star in the governing UMP party, will hold a debate on secularism and Islam. Its purpose will be to explore how to accommodate Islamic customs with France's secular traditions.

The very idea of the debate has sparked argument. Some Muslims say it will stigmatise them. A former diversity adviser to President Sarkozy has not only stood down but is calling for demonstrations against the debate. He says the UMP party is a "plague on Muslims".
