Forum Topics


ok, something I have heard recently:

Don't start new tasks on tuesdays, or they may go badly

and that even some religious courses are not started on tuesdays.

Is there any truth to this? where is it from?

No Topic 7


Salam to all Revival boys and girls and aliens.

Welcome to legendary NO TOPIC.

I began this series long time ago.

We have reached Part 7 while discussing "nothing". Its very intersting.

There is nothing like it across the internet.

Carry on...


Part 7 began on 16 March 2011:
Part 6 began on 29 July 2010:
Part 5 began on 29 august 2009:
Part 4 began on 2 April 2009:
Part 3 began on 28 Feb 2008:

The Knowledge Seeker Library

Cordoba Academy for Classical Islamic Sciences

would like to inform the Muslim Community of one of its latest project to improve Islamic literacy in the Ummah:

The Knowledge-Seeker Library

The library currently contains over 70 classical Islamic texts from different genres with complete tashkeel (diacritics). More materials are being regularly added to the library in order to offer the avid student of Sacred Sciences the tools they require to continue on their blessed journey.

Some of the books that are currently in each of the following categories are:

Arabic: al-Ajrumiyyah

Fiqh: Muwatta (Imam Malik)

Usool Hadith: al-Bayquniyyah

Usool Fiqh al-Waraqaat

Quran: al-Jazriyah

If you would like to contribute to this project in any way, please email

The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah Event

Title:The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah
When:23.04.2011 - 24.04.2011 13.00 h - 22.00 h
Where:Central Jamai Masjid Ghamkol Sharif - Birmingham
Category:Events & Programmes
The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah subhanahu wa t'ala: Meanings & Benefits

Teachers: Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi & Shaykh Faisal Abdur-Razak

Saturday 23rd April

1330 - 1400: Introduction to Course & Teachers

1400 - 1600: Session 1

1630 - 1830: Session 2

1830 - 1900: 'Asr

1900 - 2000: Session 3

2000 - 2030: Maghrib

2030 - 2230: Session 4

Sunday 24th April

1000 - 1300: Session 5

1300 - 1600: Dhuhr & Break

1600 - 1830: Session 6

1830 - 1900: 'Asr

1900 - 2000: Session 7

2000 - 2030: Maghrib

Japan makes case for Nuclear safety.

Take a few aging nuclear plants that are not built to the latest building standards.

Add an earthquake that is 7 times larger than the plants have been designed for.

Then throw in a very alrge tsunami, once again above design limits.

Add countless other problems due to the decimation of Japan by the combo of the earthquake and tsunami.

Even with multiple problems, the systems work.

Now if that is not a case for nuclear safety, I don't know what is.

Rising anti-Muslim rhetoric?

Rising anti-Muslim rhetoric?

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf appears on Al Jazeera and examines the congressional hearing on the so-called radicalisation of American Muslims.

Are Muslims in the US the victims of another McCarthy-type witch hunt?

For the first time in US history, at least 15 states have either approved or introduced bills banning sharia law.

These bills may make it a crime for Muslims to fast, pray, or even donate to charity. And on Thursday, in a move that many critics deem unconstitutional, congressional hearings chaired by Peter King, the Republican representative, will begin examining the so-called radicalisation within the American Muslim community.

Japan Earthquake

I was pretty much mucking about making a second coffee when someone called to ask if I had seen the news, which I hadn't. It was big. Had some mindblowing act of war taken place? Had a world leader been assassinated? Had terrorists pulled off a horrendous mass murder? It was amazing. An earthquake bigger than any I have heard about had hit Japan, and there were great tsunamis expected, and although the death toll stood at a few dozen it would doubtless rise to thousands or tens of thousands. Apparently I would want to watch this on television because I like news.
