Forum Topics


I'm just wondering what aspects of Islam you find very hard to adapt to and implement in your life.

Yes I know it's a very open Q but please don't come out with a stupid answer :/

No, I'm not asking you to outright reveal your sins but say something like you find it hard to motivate yourself doing blah blah. I'm sure you can work around it Smile

Also if there were things you used to find hard but learnt to overcome the hurdle then share your tips!


HMC: Use us or else....

Mehboob Ayub, who has a butcher's shop in Huddersfield, alleged that HMC inspectors threatened him, tried to damage his property and told people in the local mosque not buy his meat.

"They tried to push me in my shop and argue with me, they tried to take my posters down and have been telling people in the local mosque not to buy meat from my shop," Mr Ayub said.

"I buy my meat from a HMC-registered slaughterhouse, my wholesaler has a HMC licence, so why should I pay them £30 a week to sell the meat? They just want money."

Read more @ BBC News

New arab form of protest

Apparently the latest craze in the arab world is for people to protest by burning themses to death in public places.

Where is the fun in that?

(a guy burning himself to death is supposed to have started off the protests in Tunisia, but its not as "effective" in other places - according to this article, 12 people have done the same thing in Egypt in the past week!)

Islam In New Zealand

Assalaamu Alaikum,

Located in the South Pacific, New Zealand is a country of about 60 million sheep but only 3.7 million people, of who about 20 thousand are Muslims.
The first Muslims arrived here in 1868. They were of Chinese involved in the mining industry. When the industry declined they returned without leaving any Muslim heritage behind. The next Muslims for permanent residence came in 1908 in Auckland. It was, however, from 1950 onwards that sizeable numbers of Muslims began establishing a firm foothold in this country, which is known by the indigenous Maori people as “Aotearoa” – Land of the Long White Cloud.

New Year, New Look- Make up, Hairstyle and Photoshoot (women only)

ButterflyDeals invites you to this fabulous women only pampering day
‘New Year , New Look ‘

Date: Saturday 22nd January 2011
Time: 10am-5pm (by appointment only)
Venue: Studio 16B
16B Blount Street
E14 7BZ
Nearest station: Limehouse Railway

Includes Professional Makeup application, Hair Styling and 3 digital photos to take away for just £30.
FREE henna and mini-manicure available on the day.
Complimentary drinks throughout
Additional photos available on the day.
All women are advised to bring 2 outfits.

Hair/Make Up and Photography by Henna.H and Aliway.
( and (

All Make-Artists and Photographers are female
