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[TV] John Pilger: The War You Don't See

John Pilger investigates the media's role in war. He traces the history of 'embedded' and independent reporting from the carnage of WWI to the current wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

This was first broadcast on Tuesday 14 December 2010. Did anyone watch it? what do you make of it all?

Watch on itvPlayer, available until around 13 January 2011.

Is it always good to be the 'better person' in a situation?

The question is in the title.

Can't make up my mind.

- Is it always good to be the 'better person' in a situation, however negative the consequences of your decision may make you feel? .

- Are we allowed to sometimes be immature with decisions just because we feel like it?

- Also, who's the most twisted person you've met? And why? If it's someone on TheRevival, please anonymise (we don't want any tension, do we?).

Your answers can be backed up with Islamic or moral justifications. I can see the answer to the second question being....'well, what do you think?'

Dr. Hawa Abdi & Her Daughters: The Saints of Somalia

They are Women of the Year because: “They are fearless. Their life’s purpose is to be of service to Somali refugees, and their unwavering fortitude in the face of insurmountable obstacles is a testament to the warrior spirit of women.”
—Iman, cosmetics executive, model and 2006 Woman of the Year, born in Somalia

Her lifesaving efforts started in 1983, when she opened a one-room clinic on her family farm. As the government collapsed, refugees flocked to her, seeking food and care. Today she runs a camp housing approximately 90,000 people, mostly women and children because, as she says, “the men are dead, fighting, or have left Somalia to find work.”

How to control your anger

My nephew pulled out my keys (on this laptop), the 'A','S','3','4' have all been removed - so I'm pressing the sort of rubber button thing underneath. Anyway, i told him off and then stomped upstairs and shut the room door. Now i feel pretty bad.

The question is not whether i was right or wrong about telling him off but rather when someone is angry, how do they go about controlling it?

The only way i know is by sitting if standing, laying down if sitting etc (as the Hadith of the Prophet).

Does anyone know of other ways?

Keeping in mind that in the heat of the moment things are not always as simple as ABC.

