Forum Topics

2,000 Indonesian Maids Jailed Or Sheltering in Saudi Arabia

In excess of 1,700 Indonesian maids are “languishing in different jails” around Saudi Arabia, most on alleged charges of immorality, while another 300 are sheltering in Indonesian Embassy shelters because of non-payment of wages or torture, it was reported on Thursday.

Read more @ The Jakarta Globe

The Hajji returns - The battle continues...

Ok, so now I am back home from haj. Had many visitors all looking upto me like I underwent an overnight transformation to sainthood, requests for duas and everything.

As far as I am concerned the battle has only begun, the battle cries are louder than ever, the task is still very daunting and the age old enemy has launched a renewed attack. Yes, the old enemy shaitaan. He never stops, he keeps on going, he does not care if you are young, old, rich, poor, man, women, pretty, ugly, or even a hajji. As long as you live you are fair game.

The civil war among Muslims in Britain

The previous government’s controversial programme for preventing violent extremism is currently being reviewed by the Home Office. How did it happen that programmes which were introduced with the aim of promoting “community cohesion” and preventing the influence of violent extremists ended up achieving the opposite of what they set out to achieve? Since the introduction of such programmes British Muslim communities have been engaged in what is effectively a ‘civil war’ which has left young Muslims (the intended beneficiaries of the programmes) further marginalised and more vulnerable to extremist ideas.

More from the Independent

The Book of Numbers Class | Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa | Wednesday 15th December 2010.‏ - PRESTON - LANCASHIRE

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

As-salamu Alaykum.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Whomever Allah wishes well for, He grants deep understanding of religion".

Unity Foundation’s Book of Numbers classes are about to resume after the Eid break. If you are new to our mailing list let us explain what you have been missing…

This unique series of classes are taught from the renowned 'Book of Numbers, Holding Fast to the Firm Reality', by Al Imam Muhammad Umar Bahraq al Hadrami’ and taught by Ustadh Ibrahim Osi-Efa. **

1432 is here!

So another year's gone.

How much have you achieved this past year?

What's changed?

What have you learnt?

Have you got any new years resolutions?

They're just some questions you might want to reflect on Smile

So Muharram...

What do Jews believe


Do jews have any religion?

does anyone knows what jews believe. what is a jew.

please reply. ideally jewish members of forum should answer this coz everyone else will give only biased opinions. i just want to know, i was asked in a lesson and i was stuck.
what on earth do jews believe?

please give here some of their important beliefs,
eg top ten beliefs that jews must have inorder to be jews.

i can tell you mine:

1. God is only one, not 2 or three or thousand.

2. Muhammad (pbuh) is messenger of God sent to guide us all to the truth. He is higher than all prophets such as Abraham, Moses, David.
He never contradicted their teachings because their source is the same ie God.

Open Muslim Marriage Event

As-Salaam Alaikum, Marhaba! Here at ‘’ our aim is to organise events where Muslim brothers and sisters can meet each other, solely for the purpose of seeking an ideal marriage partner. All our events take place within a safe, halal environment, in the presence of an Islamic Scholar thus ensuring attendees feel comfortable, relaxed and get the most out of their time at the event.

The Event:

Open Muslim Marriage Event

London - Ilford 8th January 2011

This event is open to all Muslims (72 Males - 72 Females, limited availability).
