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Eric Cantona


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Cantona says 7 December 2010 is Revolution Day againt the Banks.

Football Star takes on the banks. He wants to help the people who are being ripped off by rich fat cats. He says they are all cons who are fooling the people. They keep raises prices, more taxes, cutting services, raising fees, and find all sort of new ways to milk the poor people. He said banks must be punished. They caused the financial crisis and mass unemplyment.

French Government warns Eric Cantona

French ministers and bankers have warned that the call by the former Manchester United star, Eric Cantona, for citizens to withdraw all their money from banks on 7 December could wreck the banks and inititate double dip recession.

Golden rule of Biochemistry violated!!!!

Until now, the idea has been that life on Earth must be composed of at least the six elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus - no example had ever been found that violates this golden rule of biochemistry.

and now they have found one that replaced the phosphorus from that list with arsenic - normally considered poisonous.

Muta Murder


Iran has hanged a woman for temporary marriage killing.

Shahla had been a 'temporary wife' of Nasser Mohammad Khani, a former striker for the Iranian national football team. She was found guilty of murdering his 'permanent' wife.

She was hanged in jail. She 'had stool kicked away by his son' in gruesome Tehran jail execution.

This is so shocking. The young son hanged his step mother for killing his real mother.

In Iran, men and women can marry for an agreed period of time. Afterwards, the marriage is null and void, although it can be renewed, or its time limit extended for expanded enjoyment. There is an obligation for both to look after any offspring. Men can have up to four permanent wives, and any number of temporary wives.

United States warns Turkey about coming WikiLeaks release

The United States has notified Ankara that the expected new release of classified US documents may contain references to Turkey, a Turkish official said on Friday

Read more @ Todays Zaman

The files potentially contain information about Turkey helping militants in Iraq and America supporting the PKK in Northern Iraq (and Turkey).
