Forum Topics

The "Huh? I Dont Get It?" Thread

Whether it's a joke, a hadith, a scientific article, a math problem or a new cuss (just kidding Blum 3 ), post/link it here and perhaps the wiser revivalers amongst us can help clarify your misunderstanding.

Oh but for Islamic matters please link your sources. And maybe make a separate thread if it is something that requires a whole lot of discussion.

Got it? Good.

I'll go first:

Q. When you're sat in a lecture theatre or at the Cinema, which arm rest is yours? The one on the left or the one on the right???

[TV] Panorama: British Schools, Islamic Rules

The blurb for the show from the iplayer page:

Investigation which uncovers disturbing evidence that some Muslim children are being exposed to extremist preachers and fundamentalist Islamic groups. We also expose the part-time schools where hate is on the curriculum. The programme asks why school inspectors have missed the warning signs and examines the impact this could have on young Muslims' ability to integrate into mainstream British life.

To me it seems like scaremongering mostly...

Why does society see Muslim women oppressed?

Hey guys i have to do a presentation on topic above and can you guys help me out please? Smile
I will be covering the topics on:
Why Muslim women cover
difference between culture and religion
And Muslim females Rights.

I have done ground research i thought i would ask you guys to see if ive missed anything Smile

Knowledge is Power

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) preached the many virtues of seeking knowledge, alot of which helped keep me goin through college and uni. The ones below are some of my fav:

“Some poetry is dressed in knowledge and art.”

“With knowledge man riseth to the heights of goodness and to a noble position, associateth with sovereigns in this world, and attaineth to the perfection of happiness in the next.”

“Acquire knowledge. It enableth its posessor to distinguish right from wrong; it lighteth the way to Heave; it is our friend in the desert, our society in solitude, our companion when friendless; it guideth us to happiness; it sustaineth us in misery; it is an ornament among friends, and an armour against enemies.”

Children safer in Kabul than in Glasgow, London & New York

Children safer in Kabul than in Glasgow, says Nato spokesman

Nato's leading civilian representative in Afghanistan, Mark Sedwill, makes comments in CBBC Newswround interview

Children in Kabul are safer than those in London and Glasgow despite the danger of unexploded bombs in the Afghan capital, according to Nato's leading civilian representative there.

Mark Sedwill said Kabul was also safer for children than New York.

Read more @ The Guardian

Children in Britain being taught brutal Sharia law punishments

Sharia lessons for pupils, six: Minister's concern after BBC investigates 40 'weekend schools'

Children in Britain are being taught brutal Sharia law punishments, including how
to hack off a criminal’s hand or foot.

So-called ‘weekend schools’ for Muslim pupils as young as six also teach that the penalty for gay sex is execution and that ‘Zionists’ are plotting to take over the world for the Jews.

Read more: Daily Mail


Assalaamu 'alaykum warahmatullaah,

Spring Foundation in partnership with Sincere Naseeha presents:


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Rasool Allaah sallaAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
"Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give (toobah) glad tidings to the strangers." [Saheeh Muslim]

In the Presence of the Divine: Establishing Connection in Salah

“Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the middle prayer, and stand before Allah in a devout (frame of mind).”

[Al-Baqarah: 238]

For many, it is a recurring struggle to fruitfully perform the Salah under mental seclusion from the confining world surrounding us, to turn to Allah in solitude under full submission, to seek His pleasure and intensify the one-to-one relationship with the All-Mighty. Based on the commended work of the renowned scholar, Imam Al-Ghazali’s “Minhajul Arifeen”, we will be enlightened with a unique dimension to enhance our spiritual connection with the Creator, a step-by-step approach starting from beyond the intention to perform the Salah to the supplication made after the tashahud and more.

Saturday 27 November, 2010
