Forum Topics

The Holocaust survivor whose life is in danger again

In the Israeli city of Safed, an 89-year-old man has been accused of treachery for welcoming Arab students. Catrina Stewart reports

First they threatened to burn his house down. Then they pinned leaflets to his front door, denouncing him as a Jewish traitor. But Eli Tzavieli, an 89-year-old Holocaust survivor, is defiant. His only "crime" is to rent out his rooms to three Arab students attending the college in Safed, a religious city in northern Israel that was until recently more famous for Jewish mysticism and Madonna.

A campaign waged by Shmuel Eliyahu, the town's radical head rabbi, culminating in a ruling barring residents from renting rooms to Israeli Arabs, means that Safed is fast emerging as a byword for racism.

Blind Muslim uses a Guide Horse?

[quote]Mona Ramouni’s religious parents would not allow her to bring a guide dog into the family house as they consider the animal to be unclean.

So instead, the 28-year-old saved up for three years and bought Cali – a tiny horse who stands at around 2ft 6in and has been trained to help her owner out of vehicles, guide her through crowds as well as standing patiently indoors.

The psychology student found the miniature horse after coming across a website about guide horses in April 2008 and claims since welcoming Cali into her home in Dearborn in Michogan, her life has been transformed.

‘She is an awesome little horse. What I really want is to be able to take her places neither of us would have been able to go without each other,' Ms Ramouni said.

Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh on Sky 802

InshaAllah Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh, will be live on DM Digital Sky 802 monday 15th november from 2pm to 4pm.
Topic regarding Hajj Amaals and Fazails, with live phone in questions. Also they will be showing the Tareeqah Muhammadiyah promo advert from midday onwards.

جزاك ‎الله‎ خيرا



I came across this clip and what I learnt from this was that we should only follow one Madhab instead of deriving information from other Madhab's. As we know Salah is the major issue within Madhab's. This to me made great sense.

Just wanted to see what you guys thought?

UK government asks McDonald's and PepsiCo to help write health policy

I can see this being very successful...

McDonald's and PepsiCo to help write UK health policy

Department of Health putting fast food companies at heart of policy on obesity, alcohol and diet-related disease

The Department of Health is putting the fast food companies McDonald's and KFC and processed food and drink manufacturers such as PepsiCo, Kellogg's, Unilever, Mars and Diageo at the heart of writing government policy on obesity, alcohol and diet-related disease, the Guardian has learned.

Read more @ The Guardian
