Forum Topics

'I hated seeing my face in the mirror'

Like many 26-year-olds, Jono Lancaster has a job he loves, a beautiful girlfriend and takes pride in his appearance.

But unlike most young men, Jono has Treacher Collins syndrome, a genetic disorder that affected the way his facial bones developed while he was in his mother's womb.

The condition, which is thought to affect up to one in 10,000 babies in the UK, means he has no cheekbones - so his eyes droop downwards - and he has problems with his hearing, so has a bone-anchored hearing aid.

Read more @ BBC News

Mean Girls

I've been thinking, a lot people are, well, pretty mean to one another, to say the least.

Why is this exactly? When we're told time and time again that we should be just with each other, love each other, live as brothers (and sisters)?

As Muslims we have a responsibility not to make people feel low about themselves, we should help one another grow, progress - should we not?

I get that we use sarcasm (i do anyway) but there's a line that a person shouldn't cross - you don't purposely make someone feel inferior.

'O Believers! Let No Man Mock Another Man, Who May Perhaps Be better Than He'
[Surah 49: Ayah 11]

Antimatter atom trapped for first time, say scientists

Antimatter atoms have been trapped for the first time, scientists say.

Researchers at Cern, home of the Large Hadron Collider, have held 38 antihydrogen atoms in place, each for a fraction of a second.

Antihydrogen has been produced before but it was instantly destroyed when it encountered normal matter.

The team, reporting in Nature, says the ability to study such antimatter atoms will allow previously impossible tests of fundamental tenets of physics.

The current "standard model" of physics holds that each particle - protons, electrons, neutrons and a zoo of more exotic particles - has its mirror image antiparticle.

Read more @ BBC News

The True Meaning of Eid Ul-Adhaa?

I found the following short article, thought people might like a read.


Eid Al-Adha & Hajj

By: Dr. Ahmad Shafaat

`Eid Al-Adha falls on the 10th day of the 12th month (Dhul Hijjah) of the Islamic calendar. This is the day when the pilgrims gather in Makkah by the millions come, after having completed many of the essential rites of Hajj, out of ihram and out of the restrictions that go with ihram (e.g. the restriction against putting on perfume, cutting nails or cutting beard or other hair).

Are British Muslims being priced out of pilgrimages?

Even in Luton, the Holy City of Mecca looms large.

In the town's Central Mosque, Muslims turn to face in the direction of Mecca, kneel and touch their faces to the floor in prayer.

Dominating the wall in front of them are two large photographs, showing teeming crowds of pilgrims swirling in a broad river of people around the al-Haram mosque at the spot where their religion was founded.

An estimated 100,000 British Muslims are already in Mecca for the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage that Muslims are called upon to make once in their lifetimes.

But many more have been left behind, excluded from what they regard as a sacred duty by an extraordinary increase in prices.

Jahangir Akhtar is one of them.
