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Unity Foundation Event: The Virtues of seeking Sacred Knowledge - Masjid-E-Aqsa - Preston - Lancs - 26/12/2010

Unity Foundation present:

The Virtues of seeking Sacred Knowledge

"Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (male and female)." [Ibn Maajah]

Guest Speaker:

Shaykh Muhammad Umar

Ummah TV presenter

Date: Sunday 26th December, 2010

Time: 2pm to 4pm

Venue: Masjid-e-Aqsa
95-97 Fishwick Parade

FREE ADMISSION. Event will be recorded by Ummah Channel 828

Brothers only event.

For further information please contact:

07794949217 or email

Supported by:

Masjid-e-Aqsa, Ramadhan Foundation, Ummah Channel

If Prophet's are alive, explain this please & why it's not insulting.

UPDATE: I have an answer. We believe he's alive in his grave, and at the time the words were spoken, he wasn't buried. I know for a fact by asking a Shaykh and Mufti that the timing is true [:
Still be glad to hear other people's point of view-as long as it ain't rude/disrespectful.

In a Sahih Hadith in Bukhari, it is narrated:
"Abu Bakr narrated 'Whomsoever worshipped Muhammad, let it be known, Muhammad is dead, and whomsoever worshipped ALLAH, ALLAH is the all-living and alive".

This hadith was narrated by Abu Bakr after the demise of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and Umar (peace upon him) threatened to cut off the heads of anyone who said Muhammad is dead. Abu Bakr then spoke these words aloud in front of all Sihaabah.


Types of CVs saved on my desktop:

The first is a CV with a list of P/T work (and now F/T) - mainly retail - and includes my main e-mail address.

The second is a Education based one - where i include all the experience within schools and with children -and includes my main e-mail address.

Then i have a copy of both of these under a different e-mail address.

Anyway the reason i'm here is:

On the education CV - since i have a gap between the experiences - do i fill these up with retail jobs? and if so I'm currently employed under two sectors - retail and educational - do i put down the retail as well?

I don't usually have a problem with my CVs but it seems all too fiddly now, sigh.

Israel offers compensation for Gaza flotilla deaths

Israel offers £63,000 each to families of men killed on Mavi Marmara in exchange for Turkey's help in indemnifying navy against lawsuits

Israel has proposed paying compensation to relatives of Turks it killed during a raid on a Gaza-bound ship, in exchange for Ankara's help in indemnifying the Israeli navy against lawsuits, officials said today.

Read more @ The Guardian

Palestine is Back !!



Israel is almost dead.

This report has made Israel very angry.

America is also pissed.

AFP: Brazil recognizes Palestinian state on 1967 borders

December 9, 2010

Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay recognize Palestinian state

Argentina and Uruguay said Monday they were joining Brazil in recognizing an independent Palestinian state, earning praise from Palestinian officials.

Have you noticed how BBC, SKY, CNN and other kafir media has
hidden this major news from the public for past week.

But Israeli press did report it. well, they would, their nation's arse is on the line.
