Golden rule of Biochemistry violated!!!!

Until now, the idea has been that life on Earth must be composed of at least the six elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus - no example had ever been found that violates this golden rule of biochemistry.

and now they have found one that replaced the phosphorus from that list with arsenic - normally considered poisonous.

that sounds SOOOO awesome and cool!!! just wished i could understand a bit more of it...

Caleb Scharf, a Columbia University astrobiologist, told The New York Times he was amazed.

"It's like if you or I morphed into fully functioning cyborgs after being thrown into a room of electronic scrap with nothing to eat," he said.

ahh them scientific people...jokers eh?

to get the bacteria known as strain GFAJ-1 of the Halomonadaceae family of Gamoproteobacteria

of course...right?

taken from the Yahoo article, dont know if its the same as what You posted...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?