Islamic Point of View Regarding Shab-e-Barat

In the Islamic culture, Shab-e-Barat has great importance and is celebrated with enthusiasm by Muslims all around the globe. For Muslims, this night has great importance regarding worship as well. Muslims would spend the entire night praying and worshiping, asking and requesting Allah for things that they desire. However, before delving into the customs followed during Shab-e-Barat, it is best to first understand the concept of this day.For more details please visit the site below:

"According to a Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that any individual who fasts for three days during the month of Shabaan and recites durood three times at Iftar, Allah will forgive his sins and will increase his provisions. Additionally, the person will enter Paradise on a female camel on the Day of Judgment."

Would be good if you could mention which hadith book its from.