Forum Topics

Chill, Have A Break


I’m 21 years old; I’ve been in education non stop since nursery…it feels as if I’ve been studying forever (which I have been).

In University, 60/70% of students came under the “mature student” category…

What are the pro’s and cons of taking a break and returning to higher education?

The Adab Of Mobile Phones


There’s something extremely annoying about some people’s attachment to their mobile phones.

Last night we had guests over, so my brother had to sleep on the floor in my room…my brother and sister kept me up half the night by acting immature and forwarding each other stupid text messages and giggling….and when I confiscated their phones they pulled out some other phone and started to send me stupid text messages until I switched my phone off.

Burnt Out


I feel burnt out. I’ve had so much on my plate these last few weeks that it’s now taking its toil…and things are going to get even more crazy when I start Uni and start working again in the next few weeks.

I’ve had to go through a health test as part of my enrolment for the PGCE course. I found that I’ve lost a few pounds in weight and may have become anaemic.

I love keeping my mind active; I love being involved in stuff. I’m highly strung at times and dislike being idle and lazy. But at the same time, I’ve always considered it very, very important to look after my health.

Non Practising Yet Active Muslims?


You know, you get some people who are Mashallah so active in Islam…they’re fantastic at organising programmes, attending protests/marches, some are great at public speaking whilst others are more then willing to make/distribute leaflets and create websites etc etc

But sometimes some active Muslims fail to implement even the basic laws of Islam into their lives…such as keeping away from haraam.

To Laugh Or Not To Laugh


Ok, so you’re sitting with your mates/members of your family….and they’re saying something mean or rude about someone/something. You know its wrong…but you can’t help but find the comments amusing.

What do you do?

1-Laugh along with them?
2-Hide your smile so that you don’t encourage them?
3-Give them a long lecture?

I’m often in such a situation…my brother and sister are extremely immature (and mean) when they get together. The other day they thought it was funny to make my baby sister cry and capture her crying on the camera phone and then show all her friends.

Fears for Belmarsh Muslim inmates

The chief inspector of prisons has raised concerns about the treatment of Muslim inmates at Belmarsh maximum security jail in London.

Anne Owers says there is evidence of bullying and the prison is struggling to deal with the large proportion of Muslims held on terrorism charges.

She said prison officers did not understand the social and religious behaviour of Muslim inmates.

The Prison Service said Belmarsh had made huge progress in inmate care.

Forced Doctors


Interestingly, for some reason the only suitable careers for Asian children is Medicine.. be it pharmacy, dentistry, optician etc…

Why is that?

When I was 16 and choosing my A levels for sixth form, my dad told me to choose the sciences so that I’d be able to do Medicine in University. Since, I was a little child I’ve been going on and on about wanting to be a teacher when I grow up, any other career choice was not even an option…

I have never had any interest in the sciences, nor did I excel at science and I could never stand the sight of blood.. :?

Hey Big Spender

A coffee here, a taxi there, a lottery ticket at the weekend – we take our little treats for granted.

But if we knew what they really cost us, we might not be so carefree with our money.
According to research from, the average person fritters away a horrifying £57,434 on non-essentials during their working lifetime.

If the money from those treats were instead used for additional mortgage repayments, the average mortgage term would be cut by eight years.

Public Speaking


I hate public speaking with a passion. I’ve often had nightmares of me messing up in front of an audience.

However, despite my extreme hatred for it. I’m regularly in front of an audience. I’m OK with teachings and being in front of an audience of children…it’s any other type of audience that scares me.

And for some reason, public speaking does not get easier with practise.
