You know, you get some people who are Mashallah so active in Islam…they’re fantastic at organising programmes, attending protests/marches, some are great at public speaking whilst others are more then willing to make/distribute leaflets and create websites etc etc
But sometimes some active Muslims fail to implement even the basic laws of Islam into their lives…such as keeping away from haraam.
This thread is not one of those “what’s the point of wearing a hijaab if you’re going to wear tight jeans as well”…because I feel that a Muslim should be praised at whatever level they’re at Islamically and NOT condemned.
However, when it comes to Dawah (presenting the call to Islam) I feel that those who are very active in Islam…or hold respectable positions and are generally people that others look up to cos they’re so active in Islam, should more so be extra careful about their actions…otherwise their actions/words will lack credibility.
There was this president of the Islamic society that I heard of who was SO active in his role…but he presented himself and his project in a bad light because he was involved with the wrong crowd, had a girl friend and used to regularly smoke all sorts.
We live in a society where people are already ever so quick to look for faults and point their finger at people…so why give them a reason to talk?
Also, when active yet non practising Muslims get up to dodgy stuff…it’s not only their own credibility that suffers. It’s also the credibility of their project/group/organisation.
Whilst I’m not saying that non Hijaabi’s or beardless guys should not attend programmes or hand out leaflets….the point I’m trying to make is that, a guy or girl who get up to dodgy stuff should NOT be giving lectures or hold respectable positions in Dawah work…
People who are active in dawah are always in the spotlight….so they should go out of their way to make sure their actions does not contradict their message.
How far do you guys agree?
The main point that stands out to me is, "Practice what you preach". If you are giving Dawah it will only be effective if you yourself practice the act otherwise your known as a hypocrite hence making your "speech" useless.
However those who are still finding Islam and want to do speech's then they should be encouarged to talk about those acts they practice and learn and act upon those they do not know. The worse thing anyone can do is put off a person from Islam.
My ex was that sort. He'd make me feel guilty about all the Muslims who are are being raped and tortured at the hands of the kafir and was always making me attend talks. But at the same time he was dating me and didnt have the guts to come clean to his parents. He was a hypocrite.
No offence but dont you think its a two side link as you were with him too,
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
Erm can it be taken into account those who are active in Islam yet do the odd or more then odd things are actually trying in their own way to get somewhere. I mean maybe they realise what they're doing so get active and at times they get back to their didgy selfs. Maybe by going forth and back they'll be active 100% without doubt but at the mo its just a starting point.
Neways thats just another side I think that needs to be seen
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
I didnt go round pretending to be a good Muslim and nor was I active in Islamic work unlike him. My english mate was dating a Muslim he wanted her to convert so that she could marry him and he kept on talking about the beauty of Islam even though he was a Muslim who would eat pork and drink alcohol. Hypocrisy sickens me.
My apologies sis
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
I understand where you're coming from Sis...but its not the odd one or two things that I have a problem with. Its things such as public speaking and/or holding a respectable position in Dawah work...
Such people really should think twice about their actions contradicting their words.
hypocrites are people who are really something else i.e. a bad person, but try to portray themselves as good muslims. So you've discribed the modern hypocrites MS.
Try to impress people by being active in dawah "come to islam brother, its a beautiful religion, come with me, ill take you to the mosque and teach you the five pillars, then we'll go get a pint n watch the game".
Try to impress people by giving public talks "When I look around today, all I say is the youth, doing drugs, sleeping around, holding hands with non-mehrams, nightclubs, gangsta rap or pop music or watever. I see a generation of losers who will amount to nothing but worthless garbage who will.......we need to stop doing what the kuffar do, we must take positive action, a foot in the right direction is all it takes *phone rings*[i]Hello, oh hi Jessy hows it.....yeh I was only messing lisa, I dont kno a jessy I swear, ofcourse im gonna be at the party tonight, then maybe after that you n me could take a drive to the beach, and watch the sun come up[/i]*hangs up phone* , i was saying we need to stop this partying with kuffar.....
And on and on and on it goes, a continuous circle of fire, those who enter r doomed to an eternity of hypocrisy which leads to the land of satan and santa's little helpers, who will help you take a bath in the fire of hell, and doomed you shall be forever due to your hypocrisy and evil deeds. :twisted: [/quote]
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
Lol..yes, thats exactly the type I was referring too...
The things is... some people are active because they have ability.
Everyone always defends me, but that is exactly why I keep up the website.
There was noone else who was capable, and willing to step up.
I am not really the right person to be in charge. I do not have the knowledge, or the actions.
If I was not lazy I would be alot worse. Laziness has cured me from alot of ills. I cannot be asked to do alot of things.
So do not be harsh on those similar to me.
Everyone has conflicts.
At one points some Sahaabah went to the Prophet
and declared they were hypocrites. Their explanation was that they were more motivated about Islam when close to the Prophet (saw). The reply was that we are created humans and not angels.
Saying that there are two types of leader in the world. the reluctant leader, and the other which jumps at every opportunity to 'lead'. The latter normally jumps ship when the going gets tough and leaves to the former.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
It’s only positions of leaderships that I have an issue with Admin, I think the Holy Prophet
said that society can never prosper with a corrupt leader.
Like you said, to a certain extent we’re all hypocritical in our actions.
You are a striking exception, as is laila.
if im being honest then i fall into this category :roll:
i know of people who think if i have a girlfreind or smoke weed whats the point going juma or being islamic , i tell them
[b]its better doing some good than doing no good at all[/b]
great saying
[b]practice what you preach[/b]
Razor that was eloquent put maybe a little venomous for some but your are telling us the awful truth. Brothers and Sisters, we have to come back to our Deen and come back to Allah and change the situation of ourselves - then and only then will Allah change our situation.
and people who do dawah can NO WAY be hypocritical
thats basic requirement of dawah work
I would find it very hard to do a speech on somethin which i dont act upon it would be rather uncomfortable :?
okay.. a slightly different angle.
now, i'm a sinner, I know I am doing wrong.. would I be a hypocrit for advising others not to make the same mistake as me?
how can I put it.
okay, for example.. a habit such as smoking, I've tried to give up, am still trying,.. Now just because I'm killing myself can I advise those who are thinking of trying the evil weed, not to do it?
Would that be hypocrisy? or would that be Dawah?
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
well you're not smoking weed (i hope?) so u can advise against it right?
with regards to cigs, u can still advise (friends) against it whilst acknowledging that ur doing it but trying to quit coz u know its wrong - thats not the same as standing in front of an audience and lecturing them about it.
evil weed - i meant tobacco :oops:
like one to one advise, on doing good even though ur doing wrong.. is ok.
but one to many advise would be wrong. hmm yeh makes sense.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
ah ok, sorry.
not just one to one - i meant among friends, people who know u smoke and that you're trying to quit, so its not as if ur being fake with them.
but in front of strangers, a random audience, it would be deceitful to get up and speak about how bad it is to smoke without them knowing u do it yourself. (unless maybe its like a personal account typa thing: 'this is why i'm trying to quit and so should you')
This always has made me laugh, HT brother give dawah while in the clubs
The probably just tryin to reach out to the right people

[color=indigo]interesting topic! i know what you mean my sisters friend works in a secondary skool, n she teaches this boy and he's the head boy of the prayer room n mashaAllah he got the best adhan recitation ever, n its one of the best iv heard n he calls for zuhr everyday on the speakers thng is afta zuhr prayer u see him holding hands wiv his girlfriend in the corridors, n he knows its wrong he tells all the younger kids that but he does it himself wot example is he setting to the younger ones?[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
at least ur trying to quit smoking...
I tried to get my cousin to quit so much, telling him its haraam cos your killing yourself and so many other reasons why he should quit but he wont even try… so at least ur trying, u jst have to think of Allah and try harder everytime. There’s so much out there nowaddays, that will help u to quit smoking. Do u know with evry cig ur shortening ur life by 7 minutes…..
And I know lots of people that have knowledge in islam. but dnt actually practice and pray, I actually cant understand why they fail to practise what they preach, I thought that if you knew the importance in practising islam then u would only be motivated more to pray, fast etc…
smile and be happy!!!
That reminds me of salat time in college-
some ppl preach islam just to get the decent girls to swoon over them :roll:
and some only do dawah to attarctive members of the opposite sex :shock:
thats why its not unsual to see pretty fashionable girl turned Niqaabi-whilst her hypocritical boyfriend remains the same :roll:
i never realised that the problem was so great. i know there are a few who dont practice what they preach but i thought 99% did. if the problem is big then i dont like it one bit
what can we do about it?
do we have a discreet word with these people if we know them or what
do we gossip about them to an extent that no one attends their lectures etc
in my heart i cant really believe that such people exist and do this knowingly because this would mean they are putting 2 fingers up at those they preach to
or is it that they are in the process of change and they preach only to convince themselves ie they know what they are doing and want to keep preaching so that one day they'll actually take their own advice.
and like Admin said sometimes you're just pushed into these positions and you know your own limits and faults and bear them with humility and maybe if questioned you might say yes i know i have faults but at the same time i know what is right that is why i preach it but i am too weak to act upon my own advice at this time
i totally agree, how can someone preach something they do not practice themselves, this is called hypocrosy
shame to the hypocrites
personally i would confront the preacher and state if you have not got the message then how is it possible you can spread the message to others
then ill hit him evil
it makes me angry because it reminds me of imams which have done terrible things evil evil evil
In an imperfect society someone has to take the lead.
If someone capable and with character does not come forward, we cannot criticise those who are made to fit into that role.
There is always a need for leadership. When that is not present, others have to still fill the roles.
If there such preachers its not the fault of the individual, but of the community. The community has failed in providing the specialities it needs.
I would lamp the person lamping the preacher.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
jus generally speakin.........only read 1st post........
from what ive seen and experienced, people like to pick on ur small faults for the sake of it, especially if ur in such a position where you are active or head of something
they dont care less if anyone else is doing the same thing
fair point, you should practice what you preach, and if ur in a special position - you have to be careful as you are being watched
but how can people say things about you without being in your shoes.....maybe that active person is trying to implement changes, maybe he or she is aware and just needs time....only Allah swt knows whats in their hearts and their true intentions
its so easy to judge 'practising people' and stick em in pigeon holes, i too have done it myself..........'so and so may be the leader of this, but i seen him talkin to a girl, he jus a chiller' etc
im not talkin much sense, it is late...........but i dont agree with much of the 1st post, that the person whos head of society or something, should be anymore careful than a normal person.
naturally tho, if they do hold such positions, they are more likely to be aware of what they say and do anyway....hopefully.
people judge me, but in all honesty, it doesnt bother me - coz i know only Allah swt is my judge, and i am for from perfect....but its a goal to which i try to strive to daily....and i like to stay active in dawah work and so on, but i recognise i have many weaknesses. does that mean i shouldnt do anything?
(im not on about balatant stuff...i.e. druggie/alchoholic and then holding a position)
ok read a few more posts....agree with admin, its an imprefect socity....none of us are Shayks or anything, who is perfect Nas786? so much so that he isnt a hypocrite?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.