Forum Topics

Post Your Islamic CV's


I was playing around with my CV last night…trying to figure out the best way to impress an employer….and how to avoid exaggerating and waffling.

Imagine if we had to write up a CV to impress God….what relevant skills, experiences, and references could we include?

Would our CV be impressive? And, if not how could we improve it?

It’s Minor!


Many sin nowadays are referred to as being “minor”, yes, some sins ARE minor however, we are told to avoid the small sins in Islam. Why? Cos it’s the small sins that pile up when committed continuously.

The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said “verily the example of those who commit minor sins is like a group of people who descended upon a valley. One of them brought a stick, and then another person brought a stick, and then another and another, until they gathered enough for a fire to cook their bread.

Me, Myself And I


The British on the whole are very reserved people. We can walk past someone in town centre making a fool of themselves and yet would just carry on with our business as if nothing has happened.

This of course, is not a good thing. The fact that we keep to ourselves so much shows that we only look think about ourselves and/or those who are close to us.

How often do we go out of our way to make someone else’s life easier? How often do we do favours for others without expecting anything in return?

Think Before You Speak


Has anyone ever put their foot in it? Does anyone get carried away sometimes and regret it later on?

Those who preach/write/give talks/answer questions/give advice etc etc should really think before they speak.

Usually, I’m SO careful about this matter…but on the rare occasions when I’m speaking passionately about something I notice that I don’t think before I speak.

The blessed companions of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) were people of few words and questions, but great actions.

Two Faced


According to a quick dictionary and thesaurus check, a two faced person is someone who is “hypocritical, insincere, deceitful, cheat, traitor” etc etc…pretty harsh definitions.

In what situations do you put up a front? When do you act differently to who/what you really are?

This forum is a classic example of people acting differently to what they’re like in real life.



My dad’s been away for the last three weeks. He came home yesterday….and only when he walked through the door I realised I REALLY missed him.

This thread will be a sort of fathers appreciation thread (linking in with the last “mother’s appreciation” thread).

Anyone can be a father…but it takes a special kind of guy to be a daddy.

In my house, my brother doesn’t really have that much of a good relationship with dad…he’s closer to mum. That’s because my dad has a tight leash on him. Dad happens to be closer to his daughters.

Muslims In Prison


In the eyes of God statutes are increased when one sins and repents…however, in our society sinners are looked down upon…even if they have repented and served their sentence.

I’m interested in Muslim women in prison.

In England we have 80,000 prisoners of which approx 10% are Muslims….and it’s sad that only a handful of prison volunteers are Muslim.

Why are we so overrepresented? Is it because most Muslims in UK are economically at a disadvantage compared to other faiths?

Educating MuslimSister


I received a letter from the PGCE department confirming my place in the teacher’s training course.

BUT, before I breathe a sigh of relief, this offer is conditional…I have to pass a maths equivalence test next Friday in order get in..

So I have 7 days to revise for GCSE maths. I don’t know how I’m going to find the time…

I already have my GCSE maths…but since I got a pathetic 11/28 in the maths paper in the interview (which was 11year old standard)…I basically have to take another maths test to secure my place.

What Do YOU Know About The Karbala?


Muhurrum starts next week. It’s the first month of the Islamic calendar and it’s when the Karbala took place.

It was in the battle of Karbala that Imam Hussain (ra) and most of his noble family was brutally killed on the battlefield by the armies sent by Yazeed bin Mu'awiyyah.

Up until only a few years ago…I knew absolutely nothing about Karbala. It is not something that’s stressed as much in many Mosques around here.

As a result many Sunni’s are ignorant about the events of Karabala.

Mind Your Own Business


I’ve always been BIG on privacy….I don’t like telling people about stuff that I consider private and I don’t like people asking me either….if I offer information then that’s different.

I’m not a totally closed person …as some are. If someone is close to me then they pretty much know almost everything about me.
