Muslims In Prison


In the eyes of God statutes are increased when one sins and repents…however, in our society sinners are looked down upon…even if they have repented and served their sentence.

I’m interested in Muslim women in prison.

In England we have 80,000 prisoners of which approx 10% are Muslims….and it’s sad that only a handful of prison volunteers are Muslim.

Why are we so overrepresented? Is it because most Muslims in UK are economically at a disadvantage compared to other faiths?

And whilst there is work/projects going on for Muslim brothers in prison….I’ve haven’t heard of any work that goes on for Muslim women in prison.

Heck…until only a few weeks ago I didn’t even know that there were Muslim women in prison.

Apparently, Muslims are three times more likely to re-offend when they come out of prison….this is because they are ostracized by the community.

DOES their situation play a part? I mean…if a Muslim grew up in a rough council estate in East London where gangs, drugs and crime was rife….is that an excuse for going down that road?

Is this a responsibility on the Individual or the Community?

Have any of you ever done voluntary work in a prison? How exactly does this work?

And what about Muslim women in prison…this is a taboo subject. Not something that people usually bring up….how can we be there for them?

And …is this kind of volunteer work safe? Any organisations you know of? I know are big on this kind of work..

Share your thoughts..


Sounds like the rates are similar to under-represented minorities in the US. I certainly think there is a relationship between disadvantaged lifestyles and crime. It's the community's responsibility to rehabilitate people that it ostracizes and casts off to criminal behavior - stealing, substance and other self destructive behavior, however the individual has to be active in their rehabilitation and accept personal responsibility as well.

But crimes which are so violent like murder and rape, that they cross a boundary of ethics which every breathing biped understands, should be punished and not exculpated through excuses/explanations of communities ostracizing certain individuals.

So I think it's an argument that certainly has weight - but also has an appropriate context.

Any info as to what type of crimes the women are generally convicted of?

robbery? murder? drugdealing?

Is there a general trend?

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
Any info as to what type of crimes the women are generally convicted of?

robbery? murder? drugdealing?

Is there a general trend?

Murder, child abuse, fraud.

There's no general trend.

i heard of a lady who use to practise taking jinns outta people

in an excorsim she ending up killing the possessed

she's banged up now for murder

i dont think Imams visit women in prison

Good Topic

I think the first comment say alot when u look at the stats. But saying that i think that inside the prison the muslims prisoners are fairly look after too some extent, yes they do have to face some problem but overall it ain't that bad considering where they are, yes muslims should do more to get involve and i would like to personally see more muslims taking up career in the prison service, like i would personally like to do one days as well given the opportunity.

What concern me most is when these people come out of prison and how they are treated at this point, Alhumduillah alot of these people do come out of prison with a new direction and alot of them are practicing islam more. I remember a case about a year ago when one of the brother came out and he had cahnged dramtically. All I would hear for alot of brother was that " he will go back too his old way now taht he out" and when the person eventually did, these people came up too me and said i told u so. None of these people offer him his help when he came out, the mosque rarely does anything to help or has any program running to help these people, but everyone is quick to make statements on the intention of the person, this too me is really saddening to see. These people are vunerable and need to be in the right company, but it a shame alot of people have this self righteous attitude that make it hard for such people to keep too these changes.

I personally would like to see the muslim community be more commited to intergrating these people back into society and making sure all there concern and welfare problems are look after. Too me this is the area that needs more focusing on. So making sure these people are set up with jobs and that they time is occupied in good aspects and they are giving a role where they can give back to the community as one thing i seen with alot of these people who come out fresh from prison is that there have a real thirst for change in the community and i think that we should use that zeal that they have, and not just leave them alone to fall into the influence of some of the worser element of society.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


"yuit" wrote:

Alhumduillah alot of these people do come out of prison with a new direction and alot of them are practicing islam more. I remember a case about a year ago when one of the brother came out and he had cahnged dramtically. All I would hear for alot of brother was that " he will go back too his old way now taht he out" and when the person eventually did, these people came up too me and said i told u so.


in the eyes of society some sins are unforgivable-tis understandable

like sex offenders trying to find work in school again

u cant blame people for still being suspicious of such people

i think some crimes need to be black listed

muslim women in prison, hmmmm

not something i really thought about.

crimes not exactly petty? thats even more distressing.

a real effort shd be made to integrate them bk, and look at why they do these crimes, and that dnt just apply to muslim women, but to all prisoners,

the figures are shocking for reoffenders.

and imams not visiting women in prison, hmm reason for this?

What a disgrace...

but fact of the matter is ... its a true hard fact... but still a minority... and insha allah it will stay that way..

Where there is a will there is a way..

"fizzy1" wrote:

and imams not visiting women in prison, hmm reason for this?

cos they are men maybe?

we need more women volunteer

i wouldnt mind visiting prisons-I've never done community work :oops: