Chill, Have A Break


I’m 21 years old; I’ve been in education non stop since nursery…it feels as if I’ve been studying forever (which I have been).

In University, 60/70% of students came under the “mature student” category…

What are the pro’s and cons of taking a break and returning to higher education?

Ideally, I would have loved to either study Islam in Syria OR teach English in a third world country after I graduated from University for a year….but its not always feasible for a young Pakistani girl to live on her own abroad…

I’ve always though that I have my entire life to study further if I wanted to…

Doesn’t work/travels etc broaden ones horizons and makes one a better person?

Does taking breaks negatively affect ones academic performance? Is it really hard to get back into the routine again? And what’s the rush to have ones studies covered in their early 20’s..

In the future people become more family orientated and have responsibilities and commitments…so doesn’t it make sense to travel and/or do other stuff when you’re younger and not tied down with stuff..

So yeah, has anyone taken a break between their studies and/or considered it?…if so, did you have any plans for your gap year?

Share your thoughts please..


I wouldnt say travel makes you a better person but infact makes you a more experienced person. Taking long breaks does affect your academic career as sometimes you can fall out of the habbit of studying... or simply nolonger remember how to. Plus you are also simply delaying the inevitable. Lifes complicated enough which is why is preferable to graduate as soon as possible from University so that you can get on with your life and do other things. Coz as you get older you'll have to shoulder more responsibilities.

Back in BLACK

Isnt experience needed? I'm not suggesting that people should take gap years and sit at home idle...they should travel and/or study Islam or something different.

It's easier to do such things when one is younger and not as of yet tied down with responsibilities.

Experience comes with time. Ofcourse what kind of experience you gain is entirely up to you. Travel does allow for the development of more skills one of which is self-reliance and confidence.

You could leave your studies and travel if you wish. Studies will still be there when you return however with the passage of time the burdens on you will have increased.

Back in BLACK

"Seraphim" wrote:
I wouldnt say travel makes you a better person but infact makes you a more experienced person. Taking long breaks does affect your academic career as sometimes you can fall out of the habbit of studying... or simply nolonger remember how to. Plus you are also simply delaying the inevitable. Lifes complicated enough which is why is preferable to graduate as soon as possible from University so that you can get on with your life and do other things. Coz as you get older you'll have to shoulder more responsibilities.

i disagree. as MuslimSis pointed out, it depends what one will do in their break. Traveling to a Muslim country to explore the culture and to learn more about Islam, even a specific subject such as Arabic, Fiqh, Tajweed, etc. does not take one away from the habit of studying, if anything it enhances it.

the opportunity a young person gets in their gap year is not likely to come again when they are older and have to shoulder more responsibilities.



my big sis is in exactly the same postion as you

she was complaining about non stop study and wants to take a break, which my parents our obviously not very happy about!

there argument is that she will become distracted and not want to complete her studies

she on the other hand wants to travel, and learn through experience rather than attend a uni lecture everyday and be fed knowledge through a powerpoint system

i can understand why she is fed up, because 20 odd years of eduaction can drive you 2 insanity but on the other hand i can see where my parents are coming from

half term holidays (1 or 2 weeks) are enough to distaract me and make me not want to go back to college, imagine what a whole year would do to me.....

I’m a very ambitious girl…I wish to do a lot of things in life, I’ve always believed that as long as ones aim/intentions/wish and desire is strong enough…one usually does get what they intend …

I wish to study Islam, I wish to teach in a third world country, and I wish to travel the world and see Islamic history…so if I cant do the above in a gap year, I suppose I can always do that later on in life.

i wanted to take a gap year after my A levels

parents thought i would never return to higher education-which is tru

also knowing me I wud have prob sat in front of the telly for a year

so for some people education should be continous