
Filmmaker vows to make more 'Anti-Islam' films...

The man who produced the film, which is said to have led to the deadly protests in Libya and became the reason of death of the US Ambassador Chris Stevens, has gone into hiding, but remains unrepentant for releasing his film, says a report.

Sam Bacile, who wrote, directed and produced the two-hour film ‘Innocence of Muslims’, also reportedly called Islam ‘a cancer’ and vowed to release further films about the religion.

Bacile, who described himself as an Israeli Jew, is said to live in California where he works in real estate.

According to the Telegraph, he claimed the film cost 3.3 million dollars to make and was financed with the help of over 100 Jewish donors.

Imam at the centre of child bride scandal steps down after 'being caught agreeing to marry girl of 12'

A Muslim cleric at the centre of an illegal marriage scandal has stepped down after he allegedly offered to marry a 12-year-old girl to a man in his 20s.

Imam Mohamed Kassamali is said to have told an undercover reporter posing as a father that he could carry out a ceremony for his school-aged daughter.

He allegedly told the Sunday Times journalist: 'If it (the marriage) was not possible, I would have told you straight away... I would love the girl to go to her husband’s houses (sic) as soon as possible, the younger the better.


they're really hard to bring to reality, arent they? there's so many external factors that would cant help that comes and just turn your plans tupsy turvy.


and then you feel down in the dump - that expression is too nicely sounding to express how you feel when a dream doesnt happen. but whatever, cnt be bothered to think of something else...


so then u get this idea, whats the point of even having dreams if they might just get crushed like this?

or they might not.


There is goodness in correcting and being corrected.

Being offended when we are corrected, seriously reduces our chances of improving or achieving heights in any field.

We must always welcome those who correct us and show us where we are going wrong.

In most cases, those who regularly correct our ways and habits or errors in any field are those who truly care for us.

People who intentionally do not correct us are either insincere or fearful of our reaction due to being offended.

(Mufti Ismail Menk)

when i grow up i wanna be...

I wanna be - i think its called an inventor - but i dont think that job exists anymore.


anyway, i wanna invent recyclable pen, i wanna work into "green" discoveries and inventions. I wanna make "green" planes. but i think at some point down my "green" lane i'll have to give up on planes...too unenvironmentable unfortunately, or maybe not? maybe when i research into it, there will be a way to have green, environmental flights. maybe.


so back to planes, yeah. pens, markers etc... we just throw them in the bin and htey end up on landfills, pens are not recyclable and they are stuff we use EVERYDAY!


i wanna invent everyday materials that is recyclable, thhat decomposes when not needed anymore. e.g: hairbrushes, HEY! what abt toothbrushes!?

I will be doing Bungee Jump for The Revival!!


The things I do to raise money for The Revival!

First the Great Manchestrert Run and now this:-)

I will be taking part in the Bungee Jump on 27th October

It would be great if you could all sponsor me.

To sponsor me send email to or send me a PM


Sajid Iqbal

Editor, The Revival

There is a difference between questioning & asking Qs

Although Islam recommends us to ask questions and clarify what we are unsure of, I think sometimes, it is possible to go too far with the questions. It's no longer asking questions, but questioning the reasoning, logicalness of something - it is easy to go from trying to clarify our own understanding to trying to make Islam make sense based on our understanding.

Wait, does that make sense?

It's a bit like the difference between"Is it compulsary to pray five times a day?" and "why do we need to pray 5x? once should be enough". 

That's not a great example but I think you'll get what I mean.

I think, this problem mostly arises when there is a lack of Islamic knowledge. 

Roar! You might have a lion near you :O

One man + One woman heard a loud roar, took their binoculars out and saw with their very own eyes, a lion! But they changed their mind and called it a BIG CAT instead. How boring!! This animal was listening to them and glared at the couple with its big eyes. Its not from the zoo. Its not from the recent circus. Its not been reported to be missing.

All this hoo-haa which is a rarity in Britain, drafted in armed police, one helicopter hovering over the area in which this LION was spotted and another helicopter using a thermal imaging camera to try to detect any trace of an animal. Residents are now advised to stay indoors. Such drama queens and scaredy-cats!! They need to live in the wild for a day...
