
2 Hours, 6 Pages, No answers. I still love you, Maths!

Last night, when i was alone with my own thoughts, a thunder bolt struck me and decided to warn me that i had very less days and a few piles of work, homework, questions, notes, exam practice and revision to sift through.

So today, i woke up bright and early, prayed Fajr and got on with some lovely Maths Questions. This was at about 7.45. I spent just over two hours, (till 10.00 precisely) using 6 pages of working out, in my attempt to answer a 4 mark question, and after all that pain, i was clearly not getting anywhere.

My mum told me to simply try it later on, when im a little more fresh, and i told her 'Ive just prayed Fajr, how much more fresh do you want me to be?!'.

Happy Mole Day :D

Now to all of you who've studied Chemistry at one part in your life, i'd just like to say: Happy Mole Day! I bet you didn't know such a day existed. Never ever forget the Avogadro's Constant: 6.023 x 10(to the power of 23) mol-1.


A mole is an an animal that burrows in the ground,
Or the spot on your chin that you gotta shave around.
But there's another kind of mole of interest to me,
That's the kind of mole they use in chemistry.

The generous Turks

When the Ottomans ruled, during Ramadhan, the rich people would visit the poor neighbourhoods and find a shop. They would ask for the debt notebook and pay off the debts of the poor. 

And when the Ottoman era died down, their heritage and generosity towards the poor continued.  

When i went to Istanbul, just a few years back, there was a man who told me that during the nights of Ramadhan, it was in their Turkish nature to place money onto the many ledges of the beautiful Blue Mosque and anyone who needed this money to support their families were free to take however much they wished. 

True love

 Some people when they fall in love they say "I need you, I can't live without you" the hearts have become attached in a very wrong way, this is not love. ..Sometimes as we acquire things, they own us, they enter our hearts- this is the complete opposite of freedom and reliance upon Allah (swt)


The erasure of (Muslim) history

I was watching an episode of Andrew Marr's "History of the World", episode title Age of Plunder earlier on BBC 1 and I was once again hit by what was unsaid rather than was said.

History is something that is constantly being erased, sometimes in destructive ways and other times to make way for the future. I am not talking about the destruction of Islamic sites in Saudi Arabia through redevelopment, or in Somalia or even in Timbuktu (where the conquest of the city also known as the place of 300 saints was immediately followed by the conquerors going at its historical buildings with pickaxe and shovel while the locals could only look on earlier this year), but something much more subtle.

Bad bad bad start to the day.....

My complaints so far today:


I woke up a little before 3am.

I don’t know why or how as I’d not got to sleep until well past midnight.

I stubbed my toe on the latest Dyson that we brought a week earlier, in the hallway, that someone had left out and not put back where it should have been in the under stair cupboard.

I opened the kitchen door and realised my slippers were not there

I had to walk across the freezing cold kitchen floor in my bare feet.

I almost burned my hand as I was trying to drink coffee and make sandwiches for the kids lunches.

Hard to believe that I stubbed the same toe on the leg of the dining table, but it really did happen.
