
Reminding myself as i'm getting lost - Purpose in life



“And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them not do I ask that they should fee Me. Verily, Allah is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong.” (51:56-58)


The Hook to be Extradited

Abu Hamza extradition decision welcomed by UK and US

The UK and US have welcomed a European court ruling that paves the way for Abu Hamza al-Masri and four other terrorism suspects to be extradited to America.


On Monday, the European Court of Human Rights denied the radical cleric and the other men a final appeal.

The Home Office said the extraditions would happen "as quickly as possible".

Meanwhile, it has emerged that the Queen had voiced concerns about the inability of authorities to arrest a man she felt must have broken UK laws.

Tips - How to find yourself a career or a job

"I don't know what to do with my life" - “I don’t have a clue what I want to do” - these are common statements and you might either have said them yourself or even are saying so right now, this is not a matter of mere confusion, but it is a matter of understanding the self - who you really are.

Many of us had a difficult time choosing a career path in college or university. You either got advice or you were told what to do, and if you weren't, you took your fancy. When the advice came you heard various things - advice solely based around money you might get, whilst others spoke about a certain career purely based on understanding your skills.

Muslim scholars respond to the anti-Muhammad film and violent protests


We continue to see the spreading of the violent protests in response to the anti-Muhammad film.  

By now, this has become an occasion to give voice to anti-Western sentiments, rather than directly responding to the film itself. Many people have been looking to religious leaders to provide leadership in this time of crisis, and we are starting to hear from many of them.

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just researching Stuff. Zionism n what ensues..

so i wiki Zionism and its basicallt what i thought it was.when you believe Jews deserve a state of their own..more precisely Jerusalem.

i always thought Zion was a person, but turns out its just another name for Jerusalem, then i see Kabbala mention on that page so I wiki "scientology" (as you do...)


The Unknown Companion

Jilbab is the term used for cloth in Arabic. 
When you nickname something in Arabic 
using the same root as the word you're 
nicknaming (it's called tasgheer)
then it's either a sign of affection 
or disregard (humiliation).
This companion was called Julaybeeb. 
It was not out of affection. 

In a culture and society were lineage
and money were paramount... he was born.

Yet, we know not who his parents were. 
It's rumoured
that he was left by a caravan coming from Medina.
Dumped next to a tree in Mecca. 

His parents left him.

Julaybeeb means small torn cloth. 
It's the derogatory form of jilbab. 
