
What I learned 6/8/2012

If Allah Almighty has destined one of his servants for a high rank that he (the servant) cannot reach through his religious activities, He (Allah) may cause him (the servant) to endure matters related to his own self or family and equip him to meet suffering with patience. It is through patience that he (the servant) is elevated to the rank that he is destined for.

What I learned 5/8/2012

There are a number of circumstances / conditions that allow us to miss the fasts of Ramadan.

Yes, no need ro re read it. That's right, under the following circimstances it's not a sin to miss the fast of Ramadan.


These are:

Fear for life in case of illness or great age.

Pregnancy and Breast Feeding.


(real) Jihad (not the Taliban one)


To compensate, however, one must fast as many fasts as he misses as soon as he is out of such conditions.

The many things i do, could've done, will do and choose not to do.

I awake. I rise. I reach. I crawl. I graze. I stand. I tiptoe. I fall over. I walk. I trip. I jump. I skip. I run. I bend. I sway. I stop. I rest. They sleep. That’s me.

Or I could choose to hide.

Then, I hide. I am quiet. I look innocent. I can bare no longer. I erupt. I show. I moan. I groan. I shout. I screech. I scream. I anger. I fume. I tear. I weep. I cry. I duck. I bury. I go. I am done.

But I am still unfinished. 


We should forgive like we'd like to be forgiven.

FORGIVENESS. Yes, it's a big topic. There's some of us who don't take things personally, we make nothing of what others say to us and we simply laugh it off. We shrug it off our shoulders because they're our friends and they didn't mean it in a bad way, right? Other times, we'll be the ones making the comments and not realizing if we've hurt a persons feelings, because its all a joke, right? It's not like they're taking it seriously? Well how do you know whats going in their mind? They could just be covering all that with one big fat fake smile? 

Help, please? Confused. com, here! Best Dua'aa ever though!

The other day, I was sitting down, just staring at a wall boredly. It was quiet late in the night, and i had nothing to do, and to be honest, i really wasnt getting any sleep. Anyways. An idea sprung into my head, and i grinned. I ran into the bathroom and did wudsu, before pulling on my scarf, and sitting down. Now, I have a beautiful recording of Surah Ar Rahman (a surah about Allah) on my phone, so, i read the dua'a surath, and turned it the recording of Surah Ar Rahman on.

What I learned 3/8/2012

Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) said: "On the day of Jummah, the angels stand at the entrance of that Masjid in which Jummah salaat is to be offered. They write down the name of the person who enters the Masjid first, and thereafter the name of the person who follows, and they continue doing this. The person who entered first will receive the reward of sacrificing a camel in the path of Allah; the one who followed him will get the reward of sacrificing a cow, thereafter a chicken, thereafter the reward of giving an egg as charity in the path of Allah. Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah.“ (Bukhari and Muslim)


What I learned 2/8/2012

If your fast is broken deliberately by vomiting, you must make up the fast after Ramadan, if the vimiting was unintentional, then you don't have to make up the fast.

The fact that you vomit does not invalidate your fast, because if a person vomits unintentionally and without meaning to do so, his fast is still valid. But the one who vomits intentionally has broken his fast. A report narrated by al-Tirmidhi (720) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“The one who cannot help vomiting does not have to make up the fast, but the one who vomits deliberately has to make it up.”

What I learned 1/8/2012

There was a Final Sermon that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) gave to the people.

We were told in this, amongst other things, that:

"Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things."

So - he may not be able to stab you in the heart (convince you that Allah doesn't exist) but he will tie your shoe laces so fall flat on your face in the mud (get you to focus / concentrate on the smaller things so much that you place less importance on the bigger things)

What I learned 31/7/2012

Taking Shahada with the tongue IS sufficient to become a Muslim.

It is NOT sufficient, however, to imprint Islam in our lives which is what we as good Muslims should be aiming for.

Entering Islam "Perfectly and Wholly" (as mentioned in Surah Baqara 2:208) requires much more than just Shahada.

In fact, not a single moment should pass under the influence of disbelief or hypocracy.
