
Peace for Humanity! Muhammed the Merciful P.B.U.H


Peace for Humanity conference, organised by Minhaj-ul-Quran International, will present the merciful and peaceful personality of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the wider western Muslim youth, as well as non-Muslims, and how his life and teachings are relevant to our situation today

5 DAYS TO GO!!!!

InshAllah everyone will have a great time!

There's even going to be a Peace

The "civilised world" wants a two state solution between Israel and Palestine...

Except now that the Palestinians are taking this solution to the UN, all hell breaks loose.

The US says it will veto it, Israel is dead set against and even Tony Blair has risen from the lower regions of hell to try and stir against it.

I guess they all want a two state solution as long as it is not real.

Simple Sadaqa

Just a reminder Smile

Good Deeds are Sadaqah

Hadrat Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) and Hadrat Hudhaifa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) as saying, "Every act of kindness is sadaqah." (Bukhari and Muslim.)

Imam Shafi'i (ra)

I've come across some great words from Imam Shafi'i and thought I'd share some.

Feel free to add quotes/stories


[color=peru]All humans are dead except those who have knowledge;
and all those who have knowledge are asleep,
except those who do good deeds;
and those who do good deeds are decieved ,
except those who are sincere;
and those who are sincere are always in a state of worry. [/color]


A young man came to a shaykh and said "I am a young man with strong desires. I cannot help looking at people when I am in the bazaar. What do I do?"

The shaykh handed him a cup of milk that was full to the brim, and told him to deliver it to an address that would take the young man directly through the bazaar.

He then instructed the young man that the milk should not spill. The shaykh then summoned one of his students, and told him to accompany the man through the bazaar to the destination, and to severely beat him if any milk were to spill. This man successfully took the milk to the destination and returned to give the good news to the shaykh.

Eid Mubarak :D

Eid Mubarak to one and all (whether you celebrate today or tomorrow). Ramadan was a month where we insha Allah got closer to Allah swt. For our ibaadah, our sabr and our effort to overcome our desires Allah has rewarded us with this blessed day. Subhanallah!

Let this be a day where we continue to show our gratitude to Allah swt. Let it not be a day where we incurr Allah's anger and wrath. 

May Allah bless you and your family. Have a great Eid

The end of Ramadhan- Reflection

The days of Ramadhan have whizzed past, and everyday has seemed to go much much quicker....
So I was thinking about the start of the month and how i was really excited about the upcoming month and how i had planned to do soooooo much during this month...

But todays its the 29th of Ramadhan and i have decided to make a list of things i have achieved over this month, and see if i've kept my resoultions...

  • I planned to recite the Holy quran as much as i can during this month, and looking back, i think i did.... as i read the Tafseer as i went through each surah even though i did get a bit lazy in the middle...:P
