
My Brother +& Nasheeds

Asalaamu Alaykum..
Wanted to share this with all.

Yesterday, I realised the true and real power of music. How a few lines affect individuals even at the age of 2 (nearly three). The emotive language used really hit him...

We were sitting in the car listening to Zain Bhikha's album, Allah Knows. Towards the end of 'My Mum Is Amazing', my brother looked at me with a saddened face and said: 'Humerwa, I can't like that one'. (2.21 seconds)

Unity is not about having no differences

but it is about tolerating them.

Think about it.

People are always calling for "the ummah" to "unite" and generally set out new places and positions to unite, telling them to leave the bickering of old.

But what these people don't understand is that there have been differing opinions and views from the start - going as far back as the first caliph and how to deal with the insurgent tribes in Arabia or even earlier to how to elect a new leader.

When Muslims have been united, it has not been because there have been no differences - rather because they weer tolerant of them, allowing others to have diferring views.

Patience and Gratitude by Ibn Qayyim - An Abridged Translation

I would like to first and foremost advice all of you to get hold of the book and read it as I found in extremely beneficial and inshaaAllah you will too.

Chapter 1
* Definition of Patience
-Abu 'Uthman: "the one who has patience is the one who has trained himself to handle difficultie"
-Amr Ibn Uthman al-Makki: "Patience means to keep close to Allah and to accept calmly the trials He sends, without complaining or feeling sad"
-Al-Khawwas: "patience means to adhere to the Qur'an and Sunnah"
-"Patience means to refrain from complaining"
-Ali Ibn Abi Talib "patience means to seek Allah's help"

-To Allah - doesnt contradict patience
-to people (words, behaviour, look) - contradictory to patience

