
The doc- and Health

I went doc today, and came back with "everything fine". realised i wasnt so happy about this then caught myself in that state and told myself off.

We need to wake up from this "oh, this useless doc didnt give me anything/oh! he said im fine and ive got nothing wrong" etc...

The doc is the doc and he/she knows what he/she is doing (...)

If we're fine, then we should say ALHAMDOULILLAH, thank Allah for this health so many people around us dont have.

not getting meds/not being sent to pharmacy/not having "something wrong" are blessings. lets keep that in mind and stop thinking we've got something wrong, (and feeling annoyed/upset/angry) when we're told we haven't.

Peace for Humanity!


Peace for Humanity conference, organised by Minhaj-ul-Quran International, will present the merciful and peaceful personality of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the wider western Muslim youth, as well as non-Muslims, and how his life and teachings are relevant to our situation today.

Aims and objectives:

.To promote peace, tolerance and interfaith harmony

.To promote education, integration and working for community cohesion

.To engage with young Muslims for religious moderation

.To promote women’s rights, development and empowerment

.To provide social welfare and promotion of human rights

All good things come to an end...

I was reading Mr Zac's blog as i havent been keeping up, and really enjoying it as well, i basically didnt want to stop.

even though i told myself, okay half past six, we stop and go do something else. Half past six came and i didnt look like I was going to move...

until mum called me upstairs with a scary motherly voice, so i closed all tabs and went.

and while upstairs; i realised. If there wasnt a greater purpose, I would never have stopped reading that blog (greater purpose being Allah who says listen to your parents). on a more general term, I would never stop gaving fun. I would do everything I wanted to do whenever I wanted and just have fun all the time.

Secret of the Heart - Part 2


this ep is about reflecting on the three types of hearts

sound heart - protected from the two types of diseases. Shaytaan also intensifies the desires/doubts. - the people with those hearts can enter paradize.

doubts/misconceptions - wrong understanding, about reality of this world, about the creator about how we should draw closer to Him. these harms and scars the heart.

people who let desires take over the heart or let their guard down to misconceptions - by listening, looking, seeing them, They make their heart easy targets to shaytaan. but still havent lost their heart yet.

Secrets of the heart - Part 1


this is about WHY we should talk about the Heart.

Heart is more important aspect of this life that we should focus on, if we neglect heart we lose beauty of this world and ultimate happiness in the next life

In everyday language, when we talk about the core of the matter- the bottom line, we say “that’s the heart of the matter” using this in everyday language – the heart is most important, central aspect of the thing we are talking about.

The heart of city – the alive, vibrant part of city when everything happen
The heart of the matter – what we need to focus on

Gaza- Your Battle is Mine.

As I write a child in Gaza knows he’s close to his death,
He shows us courage though he knows what is ahead,
A child was martyred with his father in the night,
His mothers tears bear witness to the fact that she will fight,
I tied myself to this struggle because these children are you and I,
Because I feel their fear anytime I close my eyes,
Our actions have failed them we denied them of their lives,
So as I write these words I am questioning why?

Are we still afraid of ourselves or do we fear those who are looking?
See we know what is coming yet we sit tight and do nothing,
You ask what can we do? Bow down to your Lord,
The faith of the Gazan’s is as strong as before,
Alongside our prayers our actions must show solidarity and support,
