
Treatment Of Dengue Fever Through Verses Of Holy Quran

Islam is a religion much more than mere religious teachings and principles. It is in fact a complete code of life that not only teaches people about religious obligations, but offers them a complete set of instructions to live their lives accordingly.

Importance Of Cleanliness In Islam

Among all other things it teaches, comes cleanliness and hygiene. Allah Almighty is the cleanest of clean and purest of the pure, also evident from His direct words on different places in the Quran, such as:

The London Declaration


Hope everyone is in good health and Iman InshAllah,

Visit the website above, and then on the right hand side it says, 'click here to sign,' then from there its easy.

Please let everyone know, and we want 1million signatures InshAllah by the end of this year.

this is all for peace, and a way to let our Ummah shine and rejoin!

Please sign the wall....and you will be rewarded InshAllah!


Milad Raza Qadri - Wohi Khuda Hai Volume 10 OUT NOW !!!

Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmutalahi wa Barakatuhu Brothers & Sisters,

We hope you all are in the best of health and imaan, InshaAllah.

*GOOD NEWS* Milad Raza Qadri is back with his melodious voice and unique style.

Alhamdulillah, the long awaited album 'Wohi Khuda Hai' has been released. Do not forget to buy your copies, or alternatively you can purchase the album from iTunes or from your local store.

To Purchase Album From Ebay Please Visit

Who are the people of Taqwa?

Salaam! Biggrin

This talk was given by Nouman Ali Khan. A rlly good talk at that too mashAllah, so here it is in summary! Biggrin

One of the essential roles that the Quran plays in the lives of the believers is that it serves as a reminder and by definition a reminder is something that you already know and Allah(swt) reminds us in the Quran of things we know but may not always act upon.

This lends to an appreciation as to why there is so much repetition in the Quran; and the proportion to which something is mentioned in the Quran illustrates how quickly people forget that very same thing.

Another day, another (dollar) Du'a

I haven't Blogged in ages - yes who cares?! I CARE, writing on here was my outlet and now,now I don't think I even have an outlet.. no I lie, the outlet I've been using is making Du'a.. it's pretty wonderful, you should try it sometime.. real Du'a..

Ok the beauties of Du'a is a story for another day so on with random thought processes.. I'm a little rusty so bear with me, where to start umm

Recent events always helps me going me thinks.
