
Why are my duas not accepted?

Q. I am aware that upon doing dua, one should persist and not become impatient saying, “I did dua but it was not answered.”

However, one thing that has confused me is how a dua done at time when it is stated that dua is readily granted appears not to have been granted.

A In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Making du῾ā is from amongst the shortest and fastest routes that leads one to Allah swt. Du῾ā is a display of humility and humbleness. The slave of Allah testifies his weakness and surrenders his affairs to His Master. To understand the reality of du῾ā, ponder over the following ahādith:

Wearing Niqab during Hajj

(Don't quite understand this - how are you meant to wear a niqab w/o letting it touch your face. I thought no one wore niqab in ihram)


While performing Hajj is it necessary that the Niqaab of a women does not touch her face while she is in Ihraam? Can she give some charity if she finds this difficult?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Leaving the face uncovered is part of the woman’s Ihrām. Nabi Sallallāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam has said:

“The Ihrām of a female is in her face and the Ihrām of a man is in his head.”
(Sunan Ad-Dāru Qutni, Hadīth No. 2761)[1]

Sending someone else to hajj

If a person all his life never had enough money to go for Hajj but when he was old and sick he had enough money that made Hajj Fard. Is it Wajib for him to send someone to perform it for him while he is alive.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Day Of Arafah | The Best Day Of The Year

Asslamu'Alaykoum Biggrin

The Best Day of the Year:

The magnificent ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah are almost over and we are approaching their climax, which is the Day of Arafah (9th Dhu’l-Hijjah). On this day there is an immense outpouring of divine mercy and bounty and it is considered by many scholars to be the best day of the year.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said there is no day in which Allah saves more people from the fire than the Day of Arafah.[1] It has also been narrated that anyone who has an atom’s weight of faith in their heart will be forgiven by Allah on this day, whether or not they actually stand at Arafah.[2]

Eid Mubarak! :D


(pretend this is a multicoloured banner) Biggrin

Yh I knw im early, but u knw wht they say, early bird gets the worm! Biggrin maybe since its eid i can get me the jellysweet ones Blum 3 halal of course! Wink

So whatcha all gonna be doing then? Share ur plans, dnt be shyyyyyy! Biggrin If u dnt have any..make them up cos we wont know any better. If ur lacking in life others do not have to knw.. remember this. Wink Blum 3

Anyhoo..! I shall start us off shall I? Biggrin Since parents are away, the only rule home before midnight. Why midnight? If its good enough for lil' ol' Cindy, its good enough for me Dirol

A little bit of everything

Here I am again, yak yak yak!

Just thought I'd update you all on my thoughts on my arabic class and other random things that I'll mention as I think of them, grinnn

The class is brilliant, made up of a similar aged Indian girl, an older English man (must defo be over 70) and a Irish lady (who's probably in her late 20s) and of course moi.. the class is incredibly small but it's awesome because you get a decent focus from the teacher, it's a school just getting started I think. But yup, it's called Arabian Oasis based near Covent Garden (London).. the website isn't much to shout about (sorry Abdul!) But if you're looking for somewhere to learn Arabic, I'm defo recommending!

Imam Hanifa (ra) answers the Qs of a Christian

The Christian and the questions

It is related that a Christian king sent a trustworthy person to Baghdad with a large amount of money. The king set him a task to ask the Muslims three questions and if they are able to answer them correctly then he could leave the money with them.

He arrived at Baghdad and informed the Khaliph of his quest. The Khaliph responded to the challenge by gathering the best Ulama (learned religious people). The Christian climbed the pulpit and addressed them, ‘ if you are able to answer my questions then the money is yours, if not I will return as I came.’ He then proceeded to ask the questions.

The Christian;
‘What came before Allah’
‘ Which direction is Allah’s face’
‘ What is He (Allah) doing now?’
